Fabulous Fridays – Fresh Produce Sportswear

Hey – Guess what – It’s HOT outside. Apparently that sort of thing happens every year about this time… of course here in Texas, it happens pretty much from March to November… and there have even been a few Christmases spent in short sleeves so I should be used to it.

The thing about hot weather is that NOTHING feels comfortable to wear… especially if you don’t have the physique of one of the US Olympic Gymnasts… but running around sans clothing isn’t exactly an option. I hate the idea of living in t-shirts for so many months but honestly, it’s hard to get excited about some of the “plus size” clothing options out there.

That’s why when I was introduced to Fresh Produce Sportswear, I was overjoyed.

Fresh Produce Sportswear

First of all, they don’t JUST offer Plus size clothing so for my slimmer readers, don’t stop reading.

Second of all, the clothing lines are adorable, fresh and fun! They offer cute Dresses for Spring, adorable Beach Cover-ups and of course, Cute Plus Size Outfits.

One visit to their site and you’ll see what I mean. Honestly, the hardest decision I had to make was WHICH item I was going to start off with. I rarely buy clothing online… sizing can be tricky… I like to feel the fabric to ensure I’m getting a high quality item… and some things just look better on a hanger than on me.

When I placed my order, I was a bit skeptical but ultimately chose the Sunshine Dress because of it’s versatility.

You’ll love the Sunshine Dress for its fresh style. Dress it up with heels and jewelry, keep it simple for life on the go. Any way you wear it…shine on. 100% cotton, empire waist, scoop neckline, raw edge detailing, double flounce hem, just-at-the-knee length, made in USA

Yes, that’s the dress to the left. No that’s not me in it.

Cotton being a breathable fabric is so very important in this heat and I have to admit that I kinda love that it’s made right here in the good old USA.

I was happy with my selection. Then it arrived.

and then… I was OVERJOYED. Seriously, this dress is so comfortable that I can wear it to work and it FEELS like I’m wearing my pajamas. It truly is versatile enough to dress up or down and is a great piece to go from a full day of work to a dinner or happy hour with friends.

The fit was perfect and while it is light and comfortable, you can still feel the quality. That my friends is rare.

Also, because of the cotton fabric, if you are a bit too self-concious to wear an above the knee dress, it pairs well with a pair of capris or leggings. Which means that even come fall, when the days are warm but the nights cool off, this little number will still be making an appearance in my wardrobe.

Next up I will be looking at some of the other items available and a few of their tunics and skirts have really caught my eye.

The colors available are so vibrant and flirty and fun that this is a huge confidence booster as well and let’s face it, who COULDN’T use a boost in the old confidence?

If you haven’t already, head on over to check out their clothing line for yourself and come back to let me know what’s up on your shopping list!

Also, Fresh Produce now ships to over 200 countries, so women outside the US can enjoy the colorful styles, too.

I was provided an article of clothing from Fresh Produce in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are, as always, my own.



  1. Ok, super cute. Yes, I want one!! 🙂

  2. Ashley @irishred02 says

    I want that dress!! So yes pass it this way 😉

  3. Nicole Elliott says

    Love Fresh Produce but I never knew they had sports wear. The dress is too cute and I love how you mentioned that it’s hard to run around sans clothes unless you look like the gymnasts haha!

  4. Cute!

  5. I love Fresh Produce… they really are comfortable!!

  6. Great choice, Shelley! I love a good sundress for all the reasons you shared. And something you can pair with leggings and a big scarf for fall? Perfection!
    Kudos to this company for offering stylish and quality clothes in plus-sizes, too. When you body is in transition it’s all the more important to boost your confidence by looking FANTASTIC. I can’t wait to see it on you!

    • That’s the thing that I really liked too – so often plus size clothing manufacturers forget that we want to look cute too. Fresh Produce didn’t forget that.

  7. I want that dress. It’s adorable. Black, green, and red are my colors 🙂

    • Yes they Are Leah – Although, I’ve never seen you in a bad color 🙂 You always look adorable 🙂

  8. Love the dress! You are making me want to go clothes shopping 😉

  9. Love the choice of dress! I’m all about simple options that can get you through the whole year!

    • Especially for busy moms, Angela – I have NO time to really put myself together so simple and cute is DEFINITELY important in our world. Plus (another big selling point for us moms) SOOOO easy to wash and wear.

  10. Shelley, that’s adorable!! And yes, made in the USA = big plus!!

  11. Love that dress. Definitely going to check out their website. I love cute, comfy dresses 🙂

  12. I love the colors of their clothes. I pass the store in Boulder on the walking mall all the time. I bet you look gorgeous in the dress.

  13. So adorable! Love it! And I totally didn’t know they are made in the us that’s awesome!

  14. I love the dress you chose! I’m definitely gonna have to check out their clothes.
    I know what you mean about the heat here in Texas – we bunker up almost all summer & miss out on the fun stuff because of it ):

  15. That is so cute! Im gonna head over and see what other things they have!!

  16. So cute! Plus, anything that you can wear to work that feels like pajamas, but looks fashionable is awesome!

  17. Oh you have to take a photo in that dress! I can’t wait to see it on you. Thanks for sharing this site. I’m gonna go check out the rest of their stuff right now! 🙂

  18. Krissy Higgins says

    OMG I LOVE that dress! I am always looking for cute YET COMFY outfits I can wear to work, or date nite, and that looks like one of them! Seriously going to do some online shopping now!

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