
I just Love that the wonderful dog we adopted this summer always looks like he’s smiling. It’s hard to stay in a bad mood with him around…even if he does hog the pillows [and yes, he sleeps with us… don’t judge 😉 ]

PS – If you didn’t know, I’m a finalist in the Mamavation Mom Campaign. If I inspire you, or you want to support my quest for a healthier life, Please take a minute to vote for me here. Let me know that you voted so that I can thank you personally!



  1. that dog is cute, i love dogs and i have slept with dogs for work before laughs one was a total bed hog wouldnt give me space drove me nuts

  2. tlpunlimited says

    He’s cute as a button but looks like trouble too! 🙂

  3. Adorable!!!!

  4. Awwww!!! Super cute pup!!

  5. Lisa @ljenator says

    Oh how adorable!!!

  6. I wish I had one to sleep with 🙂 so cute!!

    • well… it is adopt a dog month… we got him off Craigs list – girl had a sob story about how she wanted to but couldn’t keep him… feel like he was too much dog for her though.

  7. Awwwwww — we adopted our dog this summer too!

    p.s. Did you know it’s National Adopt a Dog Month?

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