As I sat thinking about this prompt, I couldn’t make any sense of the direction it should take… My world is full of wonder… both definitions… the noun and the verb…
a feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar, or inexplicable.
I gaze in wonder at my boys. They are truly remarkable beings and while I’d LOVE to totally take credit for it, so much about them I didn’t teach. They just know. They just are… and they are perfect. Oh sure, they make mistakes and sometimes I think they take the saying “Go big or go home” a bit too literal, but they are absolutely perfect.
I gaze in wonder at my friends who have these seemingly perfect relationships who make it look so easy even though I know it’s not. I know that they fight for what’s important and struggle just like the rest of us… life is not a Nicholas Sparks novel…
I watch with wonder at the world around me and how amazing sunrises and sets are, the way the birds fly, the flowers in bloom, the leaves changing on the trees. If we don’t stop to notice all the miracles around us, honestly are we really living or just surviving… going through the motions of life like zombies…
I stare in wonder when someone says or does something so far outside of the realm of normal human behavior and find myself wondering what they’ve lived through to guide them to this place…
which brings me to the far more active definition of wonder… the verb… fitting for my overactive mind who tends to overthink EVERYTHING…
desire or be curious to know something.
I wonder why people are so quick to lay blame and judge one another instead of takeing personal responsibility…
I wonder why it’s easier to hurt another than to love…
I wonder why there are parents out there who are staring in the face of amazing, remarkable, incredible human beings with all the love and adoration they could ever dream of, lain out like a king’s feast on the table in front of them, there for the taking, and instead they sit across the room complaining of their hunger…
I wonder why adults who have been hurt cling to that instead of hoping for a different outcome with all new factors… and push away the people who could shine lights in our darkness…
I wonder why I’m not more cynical…. given my past, all signs point to that being the outcome and instead I still have not been able to change… and I wonder if I really want to…
I wonder what you think of when you hear my name… and I wonder why it matters to me what anyone else thinks…
I wonder why there is braille on the drive up ATM….
I wonder How the hell I continue to keep all the plates in my world spinning without going homicidal (of course then I remember… coffee)
I wonder how many can actually see through the masks I wear…
I wonder why I absolutely can NOT put on mascara with my mouth closed…
I wonder how many times we are sitting across from a friend or loved one fighting back words the other needs to hear because we are afraid to speak the truth… or of rejection… or deny our true inner voice… or are just stupid…
I wonder how many times I’ve done that and failed to provide the words to another…
(not likely… if anything, I share all the words that they don’t want/need to hear)
I wonder why cake isn’t an acceptable breakfast – it has eggs and milk in it and donuts have as much sugar…
Given this list, you might be inclined to believe that I wonder about EVERYTHING…
Not true.
I no longer wonder what the fox says
or why fire trucks are red…
I do, however, wonder why I haven’t asked Siri more questions before now.
This has been a Finish the Sentence Friday post, where writers and bloggers gather to share their unique takes on a particular sentence. This week’s is “I wonder…”
Your hosts: Kristi from Finding Ninee and
Co-hosts: Kerri from Diagnosed and Still Okay (this week’s sentence thinker-upper) and Jill from Ripped Jeans and Bifocals.

I really just love your writing…I will just put that out there. This was brilliant. And now the whole braille thing on the drive up ATM is gonna bug me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
🙂 thanks so much 🙂
I really like where you went with this week’s sentence prompt! I wonder about the words we say and don’t say to people as well and I wonder who I’d be if my past were different. Also cake should most definitely be a breakfast food!
I had never given any thought to the braille being a feature on the drive up ATM, nor why fire trucks are red. Now I do. Thank you for enlightening me to the latter!
It still cracks me up the things that are programmed into siri. Thanks for stopping by!
A beautiful post. I love your sentiments of people who lay judgement on others. <3
Thank you so much 🙂