WHAT?!?! I won an Award?!?

I was honored to see that my friend Carrie who blogs over at Simply Fitting Into Life…and my old jeans, gave me this award 🙂

Isn’t it pretty and shiny and new?   I feel honored to have been included with such remarkable bloggers 🙂

With this award comes some responsibilities, and here they are:

  1. Post and link back to the person who gave you this award.
  2. Share 7 things about yourself.  
  3. Pass the award on to 15 recently discovered great bloggers (or as many as you can).
  4. Contact these bloggers and tell them they’ve won!

So, 7 things about me…

  1. I’ve changed my major 4 times and attended 3 different schools. I’ve finally settled on a business degree with a focus on Marketing. This one will stick. I have only a handful of classes left and can FINALLY see the light at the end of the tunnel – I will FINALLY have my Bachelor’s degree in DEcember 2011
  2. I only own 13 pairs of shoes/boots. There are only a few I actually wear with any regularity. I prefer to be barefoot at every possible moment.
  3. I am crafty – I paint, crochet, scrapbook, cross stitch, make hair bows, sew (a little bit), and am a master with a glue gun.
  4. When my oldest was 2 he dropped the F-bomb at the hospital when a nurse was drawing blood from him. I blamed Nana but know I was mostly partly to blame. I curse like a sailor.
  5. I too am addicted to the internet – twitter, Facebook, which also means I’m addicted to my iPhone. Luckily Hubs understands.
  6. My husband does most of the laundry here. I make up for it by working on the cars and other “manly” stuff around the house.
  7. I appear to most as confident and secure, but really the opposite is true.  I am often loud and boisterous to mask my own insecurities.  I CRAVE the approval of others but am working on this.  It’s a process. (but while you are here, go ahead and subscribe to my RSS Feed,  ‘Like’ me on Facebook and follow me on twitter so I’ll know you like me  m’kay?)

And now, to SHARE this wonderful Award with some of my New Favorite bloggers  (and if you aren’t already, you should follow these fine folks on Twitter too)

  1. Lena (@elenka29) over at her NEW blog Way 2 Good Life 
  2. Megan (@mnmspecial) over at her blog MNMSpecial
  3. Angela (@ninemoremonths) over at Nine More Months
  4. Andrea (@notimemom) over at Adventures in all things food
  5. Jennifer (@jennifertyree) over at My totally Random Life
  6. Amanda (@2someonesmommy) over at See Amanda Run
  7. Katrina (@CraftsbyKatie) over at Welcoming Weight Loss
  8. Elena (@Ciaomom) over at C. Mom – a day in the life
  9. Laura (@LoCiaravino) over at SmallWorldBigGirl
  10. Rebecca (@AYoYoMommy) blogging at A Yoyo Mommy
  11. Another Rebecca 😉 (@momruns26) who’s bloggy home is Rebecca Runs
  12. Lori (@lorisweetapples) over at Our Life… Simple and Full
  13. Tina (@madhattermom) who I met at Mad Hatter Mom
  14. My good friend Corey (@kaeparondo) who is JUST beginning his weight loss Journey at Tao Loser
  15. And Last but not Least Daddy (feels strange to say that but that’s how I “know” him…) (@adaddyblog) over at A Daddy Blog

All 15 are new warriors in my battle against the bulge – they may not actually be NEW but like every car I’ve owned, they are NEW to ME and bless my world with their triumphs, tribulations and thoughts and I know they will do the same for you. So check ’em out 🙂 you won’t be disappointed





  1. I totally am a barefoot contessa also! 😛 Love flip flops or bare feet any day of the week/year! 😛

  2. That is so sweet of you!!!
    I am totally with you on #7…the shoe thing though….yes well…I have a lot of shoes 🙂

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