Why Wait till New Year’s?

I LOVE LOVE LOVE Twitter. Why? Throw something out there that you KNOW you need to do or a goal you have and suddenly there are TONS of people with the same goal! LOVE IT!

The other day, an innocent tweet appeared about P90X and then – All of a SUDDEN – a small group of Mamavation Sistas began discussing. Next thing you know, there are 10 (at last count) of us that are taking this challenge on!

Why do I love this so very much? Because everywhere I look,

I know I fare better when I have support and accountability, What about you?

What goal or challenge have you been holding off on setting for yourself? If you’re stuck, throw it out into the twitterverse and you’ll see that others may share in your same goals!

So far, the wonderful souls in the #p90X crew are:

  • The REMARKABLE @rachelsteffen
  • The MIRACULOUS @middleagedjock
  • The FABULOUS @fitmomtraining
  • The TREMENDOUS @trulytrayce
  • The BREATHTAKING @bodhi_bear
  • The JOYOUS @jessicafiumara
  • The WONDERFUL @way2gomom
  • The FANTASTIC @fitcheerldr
  • The MARVELOUS @mkopp1
  • And me – the MAGNIFICENT @momma_oz

(At least those are the ones I remember from twitter this past weekend…)

Did I leave anyone out? Wanna join us? Sign up HERE

Even if you don’t feel like this is something you want to take part in, follow us on twitter and help cheer us along, support us when it’s hard, and celebrate our successes!



  1. My husband and I want to do P90x as well. We actually already have the videos. But are you following the recommended diet or are you doing your own thing? That’s the biggest thing stopping me!

  2. woohoo!! can’t wait!!!

  3. I’ve been wanting to do P90X, and it looks so tough but I’ve heard amazing things! I might sign up as well…can’t decide if I want to focus on running or doing something like this. The support group will be so helpful and motivating! Looking forward to reading about your journey with it (whether I do it with you girls or not!)

  4. fabulous post!! I totally agree with you on the support system!!! I tried p90X, and let me tell you….. It’s hard stuff! I quit after two weeks–because I tried to go too hard, too fast. My advice, p90X gives you the opportunity to go at your own pace–so do that! I went full blown at first, and it got me very discouraged. I will say, however, that it WORKS!! I didn’t follow the nutrition guidelines-just limited my intake and tried more healthy options, and it still worked! The workout is amazing!! Anyway, good luck, and I’m excited to hear your progress!

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