When I was fourteen…


One of the things I love most about being a part of the 2015 Austin Listen to your Mother cast is meeting and connecting with some amazing women.  One that I’ve really enjoyed meeting is Jill who writes and shares over at Ripped Jeans & Bifocals.  And without being too stalkery, I adore her.  I’ve read back through her blog and feel like we’ve been friends a lot longer than just a few weeks.  She’s 99 Shades of awesome and you should check her out for sure.

One of the things that she introduced me to is an amazing group of writers who participate in a “Finish the Sentence Friday” prompt and when I saw this week’s prompt… well, it hit me.

When I was 14…

I have so many jumbled thoughts on this as I raise my own teen… 

When I was 14, life was simpler.

When I was 14, I didn’t fear my dad or worry that the slightest infraction could cause bodily harm.

When I was 14, I had my first boyfriend and looking back, proof that my mother had completely lost her mind.  I mean seriously, WHAT WAS SHE THINKING?!?

When I was 14, my relationship with my brother deteriorated and while I didn’t know it then, it would never be repaired.

When I was 14, I thought that everyone was as kind and gentle and honest and good as my family was.  I was wrong but I wouldn’t learn that until much MUCH later.

When I was 14, I truly believed that fairy tales came true and white picket fences were in my future.

When I was 14, I formed and cultivated some of the best friendships I still have to this day.

When I was 14, I didn’t have to worry about which parent I was living with on which day… my high school sweetheart parents are still together and stronger than ever.  I thought that happened for everyone.

When I was 14, I was dancing and laughing and the biggest worry I had was the upcoming history test.

I look back on that time, when I was 14 with great fondness and it always brings a smile to my face.  I know that my teen will not be so lucky.  When he looks back on 14, he’ll remember court battles and counselors… abuse and frustration… anger without reason and conflict at every turn.  I can’t fix that for him, but I can love him and remind him that in a world of change, I will always be his constant.  The one thing he CAN count on.  And while he may not look back at where he was at 14 with fondness, my hope is that he’ll be able to someday reflect on just how far he’s come.

when i was fourteen


This has been a Finish the Sentence Friday post, where we gather and finish a sentence. This week’s hosts: Kristi from Finding Ninee and co-hosts, Kerri from Diagnosed and Still Okay (this week’s sentence thinker upper) and Dana from Kiss My List.

Finish the Sentence Friday is a place where writers and bloggers gather to share their experiences in relation to a weekly prompt.  Join us?



  1. I’m in the LTYM Seattle cast and am a newbie as well. Lucky you to be in with Jill. Love her blog too. With you on the “Ignorance is bliss” front … Whenever a certain pal and I get together we shake our heads and mutter “Man, we’re lucky to still be alive. If our mothers only knew …”
    As for your son – sounds like he’s one lucky guy to have you as his mom.

  2. Hi and welcome! I’m a sporadic FTSF participant, but what a great group it is. I think as I raise my kids, 11 and 8, that it’s important I remember what it was like being 14. You are still a child at that age, for sure, and it’s hard to think ahead–or about much else besides your own little world. Innocent for sure. And yet, there’s so much worldliness ahead.

    • It’s extra hard when my child looks like a man. I tend to forget he’s still so young as he towers over me at 6″2′! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Congratulations on LTYM! I was in the DC show last year. It was an amazing experience – you’ll love it. (and I agree that Jill is awesome)
    Our parents really were naive or something back then, huh? I think about being gone all day, them not being able to get ahold of me (no cell phones of course)… and my son’s 14th year is sure to be quite different! I’m sorry to read about the trauma your son has been through but your love for him is evident and I do believe he will get through. Thank you so much for linking up with Finish the Sentence Friday!

    • It’s crazy just how different life was then. And then I sound like my mother when I say things like “back when I was your age”

      Thanks for stopping by!

  4. I love Jill congrats on LTYM! It’s an amazing experience. And welcome to FTSF -this group is how I first became connected to other bloggers – it’s a great one.

    Giving your son that stability, knowing that he can count on you no matter what…that’s one of the greatest gifts a mother can give her child. He’s a lucky guy!

    • The truth is I’m the lucky one. He’s an amazing kid and I hope in time he will realize that for himself.

  5. Hey!!!! Which bad decisions DID she know about? And what made them BAD? One could be offended by reading that! 🙂

  6. Hello from LTYM 2015 Boston 🙂 Nice to meet a fellow newbie. You will love FTSF, it is a great group of friends.

    The best part is the prompts. Like this one and how you shared how your life compared to your son’s might be different. But the love will be the same.

    And I am sadly cracking up at your mom losing her mind comment? I was telling my husband how much more freedom we had at 14 compared to what we would let our daughter get away with

    • I can’t believe some of the things that my mom allowed but in her words – “Ignorance was bliss” and she didn’t know HALF of the bad decisions I was making. 🙂 Thanks so much for stopping by and Congrats on Boston!!! 🙂

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