The other morning on the way to work I heard a story on the radio about a guy who had amnesia and used Instagram to figure out who he was. {I looked for the article to share it here for like a whole 3 minutes before I gave up}
The idea stuck with me and I remember thinking to myself, “I wonder what I’d learn about me from my own Instagram account if I were in that spot.” but then life and traffic and whatnot took over and I didn’t think about it again…
…until today when I needed a break from life and was perusing one of my favorite blogs – Ripped Jeans and Bifocals – and my friend Jill posted the 10 things she learned from Instagram. With a quote like this:
If someone stole my phone…well, I think I would probably hyperventilate because that puppy is fused to my hand and I think my head would probably explode if I had to give it up for more than a few minutes.
Is it any wonder why we’re friends? I think not. She’s my kind of people and I love that I got to know her through my Listen to Your Mother experience.
Since imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and all, I figured I’d piggy back on Jill’s brilliant idea and share my own 10 things I learned from my Instagram account.
(1) I love my kids and am constantly proud of them
Honestly, they are such a HUGE part of my world and bring me so much laughter and joy. Even when they ARE trying to tell me I should join them in their next race or triathlon. {not gonna happen}
(2) I have an odd fascination with my feet/shoes
Whether in my boots…
Or barefoot and muddy…
*I’ve also discovered that it’s been FAR too long since I shared a pedicure pic which means it’s been far too long since I HAD a pedicure. This shall be corrected soon.
(3) I’m NOT high maintenance… and my normal “look” is pretty simple.
Messy bun with my sunglasses on top of my head.
(4) But when I DO clean up, that should be documented as well…
Plus, there’s the Open letter to all my friends who take selfies over at The Belle Jar that I also JUST read. It’s totally spot on and you should go read it. Go ahead. I’ll wait.
(5) I clearly love to crochet….
what with all the work in progress pics taken.
(6) but a painter I am not…
even when I try… and involve wine…
(7) I really love food…
It doesn’t always look pretty but it tastes delicious.
(8) I also really love the sky and clouds…
and sunsets and sun rises and rainbows.
(9) I also love finding great words in unexpected places.
Like bottle caps and car stickers
(10) Most of all, when I’m doing something amazing, I feel compelled to share it with y’all
like Listen to Your Mother…
What about you? What would you learn about yourself if you had only your Instagram account to go off of?
I love, Love, LOVE your muddy feet picture. It’s been FAR too long since I let those inhibitions go and played in the mud.
In all fairness, I was muddy because I had to go out to take care of the chickens and it was too swampy for shoes. It did remind me though that playing in the mud is way fun… I should do more of it!
I think all of us could benefit from playing in the mud more often!