Can you believe that it is almost the middle of March? Seriously… another year is flying fast and so much is happening. When I saw today’s post topic, I thought about doing my traditional “I’m grateful for” post… and I still AM grateful but the first thought that popped into my head was “What I have is a LOT going on right now!” So… here’s an update on what’s happening in my Off Kilter world.
This weekend begins the annual SXSW {or South-by}
Normally, I AVOID downtown during South-by…Ok, so technically, I generally avoid downtown PERIOD but especially during south-by. Except this year… THIS year, I am braving the Austin MetroRail and headed downtown to take advantage of some of the SXSW Interactive Sessions. I’m sure I’ll be live tweeting/Facebooking so… you’re welcome/I’m sorry.
Even more exciting than that is on Sunday, I get to be Evin’s Assistant as Food Good Laundry Bad takes on the Austin Taco Takedown! Tickets are on sale right now and for $20 you can “eat a bajillion home made tacos as Austin’s home cooks reimagine, or go authentic, depending on what’s their fancies…”
You should totally come out and support us. Because Tacos.
And… speaking of supporting people doing something awesomely terrifying…
Tickets are on sale for the 2015 Austin LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER… and I’d love to see your smiling face in the audience as I present my piece… on a stage… with so many amazing writers… Yes… I’m still freaking out a bit. In a few weeks we will have our first rehearsal together. I’ll either be totally fine after that… or I might be even more freaked out. I’ll keep you posted.
Did you know that the LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER shows across the country give back to their respective communities by donating to a local non-profit? The Austin show will be giving back to Hand to Hold.
Hand to Hold’s mission is to provide comprehensive navigation resources and support programs to parents of preemies, babies born with special health care needs and those who have experienced a loss due to these or other complications. The organization matches seasoned parents (Helping Hands) with parents in need of support in peer-to-peer relationships that inspire hope and offer the chance to ask personal questions and receive support from someone who is uniquely familiar with the experience of preterm birth, life in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, a child born with special health care needs, loss of pregnancy and/or infant loss.
There are also some amazing sponsors that help us to make the LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER show a success so a special shout out goes to Special Addition Maternity & Nursing Boutique,, Free Fun in Austin and BookPeople for all of the support they are showing us. Beyond their support of LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER, these organizations are just fantastic on their own accord.
Especially helpful right now, Free Fun in Austin and LiveMom are always sharing tips and announcements of the latest goings-on around town. With Spring Break NEXT WEEK – you might wanna give them a peek. You can find all the details about from Kid’s Camps to Free Date Night ideas or even some family friendly SXSW Activities your kids will love so head on over and make plans to do something fun!
Also on my horizon is this year’s Color Run!
It’s May 16th and I’d love it if you joined our team to run/walk/jog with my boys and friends in what is becoming an annual tradition for us. You can even use Promo Code: AUSTIN1 to get a discount on your registration for the happiest 5K on the planet. Prices go up on April 1st, so what are you waiting for?!?
And all of that? not even a drop in the bucket to the full list of everything going on. How about you? What do you have going on?
Join in with the Axis of Ineptitude as often or little as you wish. There are no rules except to write! It’s never to late to join in!
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