So, Here’s the Thing… I spend WAAAYYYY too much time perusing the web. I have several networks of amazing Bloggers that I stalk follow (and aspire to write like) and you may have missed some of the gems I’ve stumbled upon.
So I thought to myself…
“Self, Why not devote one day each week to the treasures of others?”
and then I thought to myself…
“Self, That is a brilliant idea.”
yes… I have conversations with myself. Don’t judge.
And thus is born
It’s a small, feeble way to “give back” and share the beauty of others with you. And things I love. And things I am moved by. And things that make you go hmmmm. Click on the image to be taken to the original source… Don’t worry – it will open in a new tab/window so you can stay here for more awesomeness.
(Children of the 80s feel free to break out into song right about now)
Things that touch my heart:
Things that make me go hmmmm…
(you are still singing aren’t you? You’re welcome)

'Most runway models meet the BMI criteria for anorexia', claims plus-size magazine in powerful comment on body image in the fashion industry
Things that make me remember
Things that make me laugh
Things that made me think
And while we are on the subject of thinking… I’m not ALWAYS online (although it may seem like it and yes, I’m a little too connected) …
Things that I’m reading that AREN’T on the internet
Seriously I love this book. I started it while on vacation and love every single word. It sounds cliche but I’m laughing and then crying and then laughing again… if you are a mom… or want to be someday… this book is hilarious. Robin O’Bryant has an amazing way with words and is so relate-able I feel like if she lived next door we would be the best of friends.
Ok, So now it’s your turn – Did you publish something that is worthy of sharing? I want to open up a linky for you to include it here. Don’t forget to leave a comment after you linked up 🙂
I never know if I’ve posted anything worthy of sharing but you’re welcome to look. 🙂
Great meeting you today! And I love this post in large part because of the model pic which is making me think in LOLcat script: “BENDY WOMAN IZ BENDY.”
it was AWESOME meeting you today! Thanks so much for dropping by 🙂
thank you for the mention, girlfriend! Love you, too!