The Tilda Embroidery Flower Quilt Part 1

Yes, I titled this “The Tilda Embroidery Flower Quilt – Part One” because this quilt is going to take me a minute… but I’m getting ahead of myself.

I’ve started making a list of the projects and quilts I want to tackle… this year may be a bit ambitious but I’m hopeful I’ll make a dent in the ever growing list.  Are there any other quilters who have stumbled on my page?  Any who aspire to quilt?  I’d love to hear from you so that I know I’m not alone.

As I finish organizing my sewing space (aka the kitchen table and a corner of my home office) I’m finding all kinds of fabrics and patterns that I picked up so that “Someday” I could do something with them.  Maybe, when I get things organized, I’ll make a list here to not only share what I’m planning but to have a record of when I complete projects… 

Quilting might be the perfect craft for those with a wandering, ADHD brain.  It’s completely normal to start and stop, to put aside a project for months at a time to work on a different one, and then, at the end of the year there’s the made scramble to finish all the projects that would “make perfect Christmas Gifts”.

After making the quilt for mom, which I need to share some finished pictures of, I decided our bed needed it’s own quilt and then I found the pattern for this one.

Tilda Embroidery Flower Quilt

Isn’t it gorgeous?  Now, as it stands, it’s not going to be large enough to cover our California King…. but adding additional squares of the background fabric will really highlight the center.

Speaking of squares…

The Tilda Embroidery Flower Quilt has 46 different fabrics.  All cut meticulously into 2 inch squares.  2,298 of them to be exact.

Good times… 

And how exactly does one ORGANIZE all of those little squares? I started with ziplock bags.  The Square Snack size are kinda perfect…. or so I thought.  

Then I thought about these acrylic trays I bought at the Container Store because I have also been watching The Home Edit on Netflix.  I bought these because they are the perfect size for all of my Jelly Roll Strips.  (For those who aren’t familiar, Jelly rolls are strips of 2.5 inch wide fabric) I put two together and they create a nifty little top to keep my beautiful fabric safe and organized.

Since my squares are slightly smaller, they ALSO fit perfectly.  But how do you keep the colors straight? 

This is where I had to get a little more creative.  I used the pattern for the colors in Paint and used the eyedropper to grab the Hex code for each of the 46 colors.  I then created a table in Excel… shocking.  I made each cell in Excel 2.5 inches square and filled in the cell with the same Hex Code Color.  Once I printed these off, I glued them to cardstock and cut them into the 46 squares.

Then I spent parts of 3 days cutting each of the 46 colors.  First into 2″ strips.  Then into 2″ Squares.  3 DAYS.  

I finally finished and can put all the scraps away and start piecing this together.  

The result?

Here’s what 2,298 squared look like ready to be put together…

Tilda Embroidery Flower Quilt - Pieces Ready to put together

And a view from the top:

Tilda Embroidery Flower Quilt - pieces from the top

no clue how many hours this is going to take, but I’ll be back with updates… as well as the other projects that pop up in the meantime 🙂





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