The other day I asked a simple question….
I truly wondered if in this day and age of being connected if it were weird or strange not to be. And maybe the book of faces isn’t your thing. I get that… But it got me thinking about my own world and I started to wonder if I’m “too networked” and before y’all freak out, no. No I’m not.
I love my social connections because…
I would have never met Evin from Food Good Laundry Bad. Our friendship blossomed because she needed a ride and now I can’t imagine not having her in my life.
If I didn’t have Facebook, I wouldn’t be as able to keep up with friends who happen to be scattered around the world and though some I have never even met in person, we have connected in very real and meaningful ways. I wouldn’t want to give that up.
And yes, to some I post too much on Facebook. I share funnies like this
Or this
In the hopes of brightening someone’s day.
I share controversial posts like this
because I can… And because again I’m connecting with someone in a very real way… Even if only through my screen.
I share selfies and my dinner and pictures of the giant and mini-me because I love the idea of Facebook being a record of where we’ve been and some things… Like this
deserved to be shared when mini-me brings home his prom date.
Most of the comments were in support of people having or not having Facebook which I would expect from my friends… Some felt it was creepy to not have an online account… I can’t speak for others but my life is more complete because of the connections I’ve made via the book of faces.
Someone told me that he didn’t have an account because he never knew what to say.
I quickly laughed and shared the “profound” status I just posted.
If y’all are looking for profound you’ve come to the wrong place.
Say what you want. Do what you want. Be ok with your choices in all things. After all, normal is boring.
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