Today was a bit in the crazy side- started early-ish this morning and I’m just now – at 9:36pm able to stop and relax a bit.
Giant had a swim meet today and he did awesome. Seriously awesome. He cut his times down on both events and I couldn’t be prouder. More fun than that though, I love watching him interact with his friends when they get to act all goofy and have fun together. I really like his team. I’m thankful that the meet was close enough that I was able to jet back and forth between the meet and work so that I didn’t have to choose between the two.
I’m also really thankful that this week we’ve again begun counseling. I hate that for some there is a stigma towards needing counseling but let’s be honest for a second- we are bouncing around on this planet and no one comes with instructions on how to interact. Sure, we try our best and some of us are more successful at this whole “life” thing than others…
Part of me wants to believe that there are more people who struggle with connecting with one another than not… maybe that’s so that I feel better about myself and my lack of connections… Regardless, the truth of the matter is that whether we are talking about how we engage with others or some other part of life, if we need help, we should NEVER be ashamed to ask for it or to receive it when given. I’m thankful that for the Giant, steps are being taken to help him to become the amazing young man I already know he is… and more importantly, steps are being taken to help him see himself in this same light.
I have so much going on this weekend… if you stalk me on the Book of Face, you’ll likely be inundated with updates and pictures… quite the opposite of last weekend when I completely unplugged. I’m thankful for the balance though – the contrast between the hustle and bustle and the nights that I spend vegging out and doing a whole lot of nothing makes me appreciate both much more.
Speaking of this weekend… I’m thankful that this weekend is BlogathonATX. I can’t wait to spend the day with my tribe. I don’t see them nearly enough and am looking forward to the laughing and learning and reconnecting…

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