I know I skimped out on a Black & White post… Life has been really crazy busy lately with this whole “Improvement of me” which totally consumes the bulk of my free time. I keep reminding myself it will all be worth it… some days I feel like I’m lying to myself but it wouldn’t be the first time I did that. At least this lie is beneficial, right?
But I couldn’t NOT write a Thankful Thursday post. Â It is far too easy to get swept up in the chaos and crazy that is life and forget to count our blessings. Â Then, all you see are the chaos and crazy.
It’s like when you are driving with only one headlight and you start to notice two things in abundance… All the other cars with only one headlight and all the law enforcement on the roads poised to write you a ticket for not taking care of your shit.
Which is as good a segue as any to things I’m thankful for…
I’m thankful for the fine folks at Autozone who, last night, not only sold me a replacement bulb for Belle, but also changed my light for me. Â Yes, I could have done it myself but I did NOT want to so to have someone take care of me for a change – even in just a small way – was really nice.
I’m thankful for moments with Mini-me in the kitchen as he prepares breakfast for the family while I do little more than supervise.
Mini-me is making brekkie while I supervise. Bacon, eggs, and buttermilk pancakes.
Now, in truth, I do know that he very quickly volunteered to make breakfast because I was coming in to assign him some yard chores, but I’m also thankful for his quick thinking brain that saw those tasks coming and opted to proactively find some other task to busy himself in the air conditioning.
You may have gathered from some of my facebook posts that the folks are back and for this I am thankful. For so many reasons… I love having the family back together… I love having an entire family to cook for again… I really love knowing that I don’t have to cook dinner tonight after a long day followed by swim practice.
I love that having the folks back means I get to spend more time with these two:
And even though we don’t exactly get flooded with “Fall Color” here in the ATX, I get to experience fall color through the pictures from Colorado. Â
I’m thankful for time with friends sprinkled in around my crazy busy schedule and for the patience of the same friends. Especially when it includes Eggs Benedict at Kerbey Lane Cafe…
I’m also thankful to be involved with all the amazing fine folks at BlogathonATX. I hope you’ll join us in a few weeks because it’s going to be amazing. So many great speakers and so much learning and blogging and of course, food. Â
I’m also thankful for you. Each of you who in some way brighten my days – whether it is through a comment here or a facebook post or a text that makes me smile. You are important to me and I’m thankful for each of you.
How about you? What are you thankful for? Â

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