As a mom, I don't know that there is ever a time when we aren't busy... running around taking care of everything in our path. Â I've said it before about a million and a half times, but whether you work outside the home, inside the home, have 14 kids or 1, … [Read more...]
The moving edition…
Holy Crow this day has FLOWN by and I'm seriously spinning out of control... I mean, I'm still focused on moving and eating right as much as humanly possible but then there's this little thing called FITCATION coming up and HOLY CROW I'm … [Read more...]
GMOs and what does it mean to me… #mamavation Monday
Hi Guys... Remember me? I know... I know... I have been neglecting you for a while. My bad. But? I'm back and ready to get back to basics and that means posting again and sharing some great stuff with all 3 of you who read this little corner of the … [Read more...]
Choices… and my letter to the #Mamavation Moms
We are nearing the end of the latest Mamavation Mom campaign and I've noticed a reoccurring theme in my world... not just with some circumstances in my own life, but also in the lives of friends and people I just met... and so, this post practically wrote … [Read more...]
Meet #mamavation Mom Finalist – Wendy
Y'all know that Mamavation is near and dear to my heart. Â It's time again for another 7-week boot-camp and voting has already begun in case you didn't know. Â The five finalists are all amazing and remarkable women who would be wonderful if selected. Â I … [Read more...]