I can not take credit for this post but I have such admiration for all those who serve this great country and the families that support them. Thank you. Thank you for keeping us safe by putting yourself in harms way. The following was found here, … [Read more...]
Mamavation Monday – Week 3
Another week is in the books, and despite the fact that the scale didn't move, I'm still feeling really good about last week. To get a jump start on the Mama Guns Buff'N'Tuff challenge I added circuit training at the gym on Friday to get used to/ … [Read more...]
#Mamavation Monday – Week 2
This week was a crazy one and honestly I'm glad to see that the scale didn't go up more than it did. Eating wise, I did ok - skipped all the carbs and even avoided the dreaded office donuts... Where I KNOW I fell short was in the water and exercise … [Read more...]