Jet Lag.

You probably already know that I just got back from California... and it was a WHIRLWIND of awesomeness. I really can not wait to share with you all of the information I gained, but today?  not going to be that day. I can't even begin to form … [Read more...]

The moving edition…

Holy Crow this day has FLOWN by and I'm seriously spinning out of control... I mean, I'm still focused on moving and eating right as much as humanly possible but then there's this little thing called FITCATION coming up and HOLY CROW I'm … [Read more...]

what happens when you become an ostrich…#mamavation monday

I'm not sure exactly where this post is going.  Things have been... chaotic around here and I can't even put it all into words... and when I do, it sounds beyond ridiculous.  especially with everything other people are dealing with... my issues are so … [Read more...]

Choices… and my letter to the #Mamavation Moms

We are nearing the end of the latest Mamavation Mom campaign and I've noticed a reoccurring theme in my world... not just with some circumstances in my own life, but also in the lives of friends and people I just met... and so, this post practically wrote … [Read more...]

#mamavation Monday… on a Tuesday…

Technology hates me lately... My internet at home has been fubar-ed no clue why... and then yesterday, I couldn't even connect via 3G.  Do you fully understand how FRUSTRATING that is?  Yes - I'm too "plugged in" but seriously - I felt like I was back in … [Read more...]