#Mamavation Monday – Knockout the Fat Weight Loss Challenge

So... I KNOW it's Tuesday... but Technology has NOT been my friend.  In fact, I was all prepared to share the wonders of my George Foreman Grill with you yesterday, but for some reason, YouTube is being difficult - BOO!  But never fear, I shall DEF post … [Read more...]

Have you met Shannon? (@aries_mommy)? – #mamavation finalist

Have you met Shannon?  No?!?!  Allow me to introduce her to you then!  She's fairly new to the Sistahood, but one thing I realized is that she is all about diving in - head first.  When she sets her mind to something, so goes for it with all she's got … [Read more...]

#Mamavation Applicant – Megan (and another chance to win an EatSmart Scale)

It's time again for you to cast your vote for the life you can change.  We will begin another Mamavation  Mom campaign and it's a tough decision who to vote for.  Over the next few days, you will begin seeing posts for several of the applicants as you … [Read more...]

#mamavation monday – It’s a journey

For those of you that noticed, no, I didn’t post last week.  Going through some things that left me feeling a bit …. Well, off kilter (ironic huh?)  I also had a 3 lbs gain last week that I didn’t want to admit.  I should have posted… I tell … [Read more...]

#mamavation Monday – 3/6/2011 – Emotional Rollar Coaster

Last week was most definitely full of it’s ups and downs… but overall, I think it was a pretty good week.  Thanks to my Mamavation Sistas for their continued support in all things crazy – you definitely helped me stay sane (well, relatively … [Read more...]