You know how some Mondays you wake up and know it's gonna be an AWESOME day... and then there are those other Mondays when you wake up and wish you could find a reset button? Today is somewhere in between for me. I had a GREAT weekend. Â Tons of time … [Read more...]

Random thoughts for a random Monday…
Filed Under: All about me, Healthy Living Tagged With: #mamavation Monday, 2 week challenge, A-team, Ashley Koff, AshleyKoff, Bob Harper, boot camp, exercise, First Birthday Party Idea, Food Good Laundry Bad, Frankenstorm, Girls on Fire, GMO, Grad Campaign, HAlloween, healthy living, Hurricane Sandy, Label GMOs, mamavation, Monday, Nutrition, Omron Fitness, Pony Girls, Prop 37, Unreal Candy, weight loss, Weight Loss Journey, Workouts 4 wine, Yes on 37