I'm really loving having a day each week to look back as well as forward to count blessings. Â If nothing else it forces me to stop the chaos and smell the proverbial roses. Life moves so quickly sometimes... unless you are sitting in traffic of … [Read more...]
Mamavation Monday – Week 6 – Feb 20, 2011
Confession - I'd love to tell you that I kicked butt and took names... I'd love to tell you that but I can't ... because I didn't. While my eating was on track, I totally slacked on my fitness. I only got in about 1/3 of what I had planned and for NO … [Read more...]
#Mamavation Monday – Camp 7 – Wk 1
First things first Mamavation Finalists  Repeat after me We are all winners! I choose to change my life! I can do this with the support of my Mamavation Sistas! Regardless of the outcome tonight I want each and every one of you to know that … [Read more...]
#mamavation Monday – Jan 10, 2011
By the time you read this, the finalists for the next Mamavation Campaign will have been announced. I remember a few months ago being exactly where many of you are now and trying to conceal my excitement, anticipation, and yes even fear that I might not … [Read more...]
Is the EAS Active 2 Personal Trainer on your Christmas list?
Join me over at Bookieboo.com today for a quick overview of why I think it should be! … [Read more...]