A Fan Party and movie release worth missing sleep for

***update*** The Austin event has been canceled. For those who entered the giveaway I'm sure you are as disappointed as I am.       I'm kind of geeking out at the moment. For that you will have to bear with … [Read more...]

True Lemon – Review & Giveaway

      Congrats Jessica! _________________________________________________________ You may have heard of a little thing called the Brita Challenge and if so, may have even taken the pledge to drink 8-10 glasses of water each day.  We … [Read more...]

Cupcake Cuties – Review & Giveaway

This past weekend I took the opportunity to have a little fun in the kitchen with my boys - you know, before they get too big and cool to wanna hang with mom. One thing my boys love is to help me back cupcakes and cookies because they LOVE the … [Read more...]

Chobani – Gift from the Gods? You decide – Review & Giveaway

And the winners are: Congrats Ladies - Look for an email from me shortly :) For those of you who have not been keeping up, last weekend was the fantastic Mamavation Fitcation. Now, I won't go into too many details about that here, but I will tell you … [Read more...]

Scentsy Sunday

Anyone who knows us, knows that my husband and I have a bit of an entrepreneurial nature. Hubs is often found combing Craig's List for odd jobs and has even started his own side gig helping people move or clear brush. He loves it… even in Summer… … [Read more...]