Thankful Thursday- Blessings Abound

Funny thing about "Thankful Thursday"... When I first proposed the idea to my village, one of those nearest and dearest was reluctant to join fearing that she wouldn't have enough to be thankful for. My thought on that is that you can always find … [Read more...]

Thankful Thursday – Awesomeness and Comfort zones

This has been another busy week in my world.  Every night this week has been something occupying my attention and I feel blessed first and foremost to have so many in my world that make it awesome.  This week's list is slightly less vague because I'm … [Read more...]

Thankful Thursday – Bluebonnets and Camping

I'm really loving having a day each week to look back as well as forward to count blessings.  If nothing else it forces me to stop the chaos and smell the proverbial roses. Life moves so quickly sometimes... unless you are sitting in traffic of … [Read more...]

Thankful Thursday – Joining with Friends

This week is a little different.. First - My friend Evin over at Food Good, Laundry Bad challenged a few of us with this: Uh… NO complaining? 24 hours? And I’m not in a coma but instead out in the world… and work? Ok. Not gonna complain about that … [Read more...]

Coffee with friends

Coffee... without it, I get a little stabby... It's how I start my day after a morning workout... It's what I enjoy with my friend Jessica where we catch up on each other's lives (ok, in all honesty, it's usually me filling her in on me while she … [Read more...]