To snack or not to snack….

When I began my weight loss journey I was given a PLETHORA of advice about how to eat - Eat 9 meals a day... Eat 3 meals a day... Snack... Don't snack... It can all get very confusing! I've discovered along the way that it is up to each and every … [Read more...]

Mamavation Monday -Week 5 – Feb 14th 2011

It’s Valentines day :) That used to make me cringe, but now it makes me smile for a few reasons – the obvious one is that I have a wonderful husband who not only shows me how much he cares with general acts of kindness and adoration throughout the … [Read more...]

#Mamavation Monday – Week 3 – Jan 31, 2011

Hey guys!  This post is going to be a short one because there's not a lot to say and not a lot of free time right now. School is back in session for me and the beginning of the semester is always hard as I learn again how to juggle my time so that I … [Read more...]

Don’t Quit

Last night, during an AMAZING twitter party, 2 new Mamavation Moms were announced.  It was an exciting night for Kimberly (@christlikemommy) and Amanda (@beeacutie2) as they joined our 2 LA Mamavation Moms Angela (@ninemoremonths) and Kate … [Read more...]

Mamavation Monday – 12/6/2010

Hello everyone! Back to our regularly scheduled programming :) For those of you not affiliated with Mamavation, I may have seemed MIA lately but I assure you I've just been SUPER busy finishing up the Mamavation campaign. You can see weekly blog posts … [Read more...]