This whole year keeps flying by with each month passing faster than the last. Blogging has been something that has taken a back burner... and yes, I've been called out a time or two for my lack of updates. Â Good news is, I'm not alone. Â A few of you … [Read more...]

October is tomorrow! A New Blogging Challenge!
Filed Under: Axis of Ineptitude Tagged With: Axis of Ineptitude, blogging challenge, October Blogging Challenge, Prompts

Why I Write
Today begins a blogging challenge that I've been a little bit excited about. {You may have gathered that from the post earlier this week.} I think I’m excited because I love doing things with Evin over at Food Good Laundry Bad, but also because I’m … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Axis of Ineptitude Tagged With: #playinmay, Axis of Ineptitude, May Blogging Challenge, Why I write, Write