I first saw the link for “Tackle it Tuesday” over at my friend Katie’s Blog and decided it fit in PERFECTLY with where I am now. Doing lots of little projects – some crafty, some organizational, some completely random – and needing a deadline of sorts. So each week, there will be a new project and I’ll give you the skinny here. Fun huh? Are you tackleing projects in your world? Link up with us so we can celebrate together 🙂
This week, I tackled a project I first saw on Pinterest. How to finish a raw edged mirror…then I went over and saw the original tutorial and it REALLY got me thinking.
So, say what you will about Pinterest but I love it. I love it as a bulletin board/ vision board. A place to corral all of the randomness in my brain into one spot so I can reference it later. And I do. I go back when meal planning. I go back to figure out which project I’m taking on. I go back when it’s time for a new Manicure… but that’s a different subject altogether.
Wow… wild left turn there… Back to the topic at hand.
So, I love my house. I REALLY REALLY love my house. It was built in the late 70’s early 80’s and it feels… Solid. And Homey. And fits in perfectly with my shabby chic meets antique style. That said, the mirrors in my house probably ALSO date back to late 70’s/early 80’s so…. they’ve started looking a little… aged.
You know how the reflective part starts to disappear along the bottom like this:
Let me zoom in a bit and show you the awesomeness…
and yes, there’s even a little corner that is broken!
So I KNEW something had to be done but I didn’t want to spend the money to replace the mirror…
I went to Home depot and found these glass tiles that were even on sale and really SPOKE to me. I loved the neutrals and the blue. I loved that they were glass and shiny. Ok, let’s face it. I loved that they were on sale most of all!
So I picked up 3 sheets (becuase that’s all they had left) and hoped it would be enough. Grabbed some Marine grade adhesive – after all, it IS the bathroom. and then went home to re-read the Tutorial that was my inspiration by Emily Louise.
Now, I’m not going to give you the blow by blow here. IF you want step by step – go check out the original post because I followed it to a tee. Well… one minor change… I didn’t have painters tape… and honestly could not find ANY tape at my house except for scotch tape and electrical tape but I made the best of it when it was time to do the top of the mirror
All in all, I love the way it looks now! I don’t have a full “After” shot because the adhesive is still curing, but remember that brokwn corner I showed you before? Well, here it is now:
BIG difference huh? Seriously… I love it.
So, what are you tackling? Any projects in the works? Let me know!
And, if you aren’t on Pinterest yet, and want an invite – let me know in the comments below. I’m an enabler like that
Did you have any problem with the back of the tiles showing in the reflection? I really want to do this, but I am worried about the back showing…
love your post! I have a quick question- was your mirror glued to the wall or did you have to figure out how to get around the clips?
I went around the clips – I think you can kinda see that in one of the pictures –
Please send an invite. Thank You!!
Love the mirror….good job! 🙂
I love the tiles. I have two mirrors I cannot wait to try this.
And can you send me an invite to Pinterest?
Absolutely! Pinterest invite has been sent 🙂
I haven’t been over here in far too long. Somehow, our daily back and forth has slid through the cracks and I’ve missed it. I love your mirror. I love Pinterest for the inspiration and ideas. We both know I love your boards!
I love what you did to the mirror. I have similar mirrors in my 2 bathrooms and have been thinking of putting some molding around them but now that I have seen your tile, I am wondering if I should go with tile instead.
I contemplated molding around the mirror but then when I saw the tiles, less sawing no mitered edged, etc. It was really simple! Good luck with your project 🙂
Looks great! Love the tile you picked!
Thanks Megan 🙂 I’ve been wanting to add some color to the bathroom and love the blue next to my gold (outdated) sink and vanity 🙂
LoL…I too love Pinterest, for those very reasons! And I agree — it’s NOT a “waste of time” if you waste it well, and actually USE it for inspiration…great job on the mirror; looks fabulous!
Thanks! I love it and am already planning what I’ll do in the boy’s bathroom because their mirror is NEXT 🙂