Sharing the Love – with Random questions

I can’t think of a better way to wake up only to discover that someone who I adore and respect has bestowed upon me the Liebster Award.  Ok, there are a few better ways, but when I woke this morning and learned that The Cluttered Genius herself gave me the Liebster Award, I smiled.  A lot.

What pray tell is this “Liebster Award” thing?  Glad you asked because I did too.  So I consulted professor Google… whatever did we do before professor google?  No clue…

Liebster  {German} n. sweetheart, beloved person, darling

Basically, it’s a great way to get to know fellow bloggers and those you may not be familiar with just yet.  {and a great way to make someone smile because you thought of them}

So, first and foremost, HUGE Thanks to Lydia over at The Cluttered Genius who is my Birthday Twin and fellow sista in Mamavation {and someone I adore and respect}

Second… so how does this thing work?

Here’s the deal –

  1. Someone chooses you.
  2. You tell 11 things about yourself.
  3. You answer 11 questions.
  4. You choose 11 bloggers and ask 11 questions that they’ll answer.

Ready?  Let’s Go…

11 Things About Me

  1. I never know what to say when asked to talk “about myself” because it is such a nebulous question… and I tend to “overshare”
  2. I got a tattoo when I was a freshman in college… that my parents didn’t know about until I was in labor delivering my first born.  That was a fun time to “discuss” my body art.  Oops.
  3. My youngest is JUST.LIKE.ME. in so many ways that I love and hate it.  Mostly Love.  and *may* wonder if my ex is annoyed by it
  4. My Oldest is JUST. LIKE. HIS DAD… which again, I love and hate… nuff said
  5. I’m working towards running 13 5Ks in 2013… and never before considered myself a runner…
  6. At any given moment I’m most likely juggling about 4 different projects.  I’m the queen of multi-tasking so when you see a GRIP of Facebook updates, don’t assume I’m lounging on the couch eating bon bons.  I have a day job too.
  7. I’m 36, twice divorced, and moved back in with my parents… which makes me a real catch on the good old dating sites LOL
  8. Weekend plans have often included working on my truck… not taking it to a shop but actually becoming a grease monkey.  Which is prolly why Dad got me a tool set for Christmas.  BEST. GIFT. EVAH.
  9. Online I have this gregarious personality but when it comes to “Real life” social networking, I become awkward and weird.
  10. I shy away from reading because when I pick up a good book, I will NOT STOP reading it.  I finished the Hunger Games Triolgy in a weekend… The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy in a week.
  11. I’ve sat staring at the blinking cursor trying to come up with a number 11 and can’t.  At all.

 My answers to Lydia’s questions

  • Who do you look up to most? Why?

Gosh… There are so many amazing people in my world that it’s hard to pick just one… but since you asked, I’m gonna go with my Grandmother.  She is BY FAR the most diplomatic person I know but most of all, she taught me that there is something good in everything… the trick is to find it.

  • Do you watch reality shows? If you do, which is your favorite? If you don’t, why?

I don’t watch a LOT of Reality TV… but Dance Moms is a favorite of mine. Those moms are CRAY CRAY.

  • What is your favorite book of all time?

of ALL time?  Wow… uh… That’s a toughie… uh… {stalling} I don’t know that I have a favorite of all time Book… I have Books I’ve loved… Almost anything by Stephen King or James Patterson….

  • Favorite band of all time?

To pick a “favorite of all time” is far too cerebral a question for something so emotional as music.  Music preferences vary based on my age, life situation, mood, heck, even the weather… My ipod is a conglomeration of everything from hip hop to jazz to show tunes to heavy metal to country to … well, you get the idea.  No way can I pick an all time favorite Band.

  • If you had to pick a song that best described you, what would it be?

Hmmmm… Again, depends on the mood, etc.  Somedays, it’s “Crazy Train” {Ozzy Osbourne}… I’d hope that it’s “For Good” from the Musical Wicked. 

  • What is your biggest fear?

2 fears. Snakes and Falling.  Not heights – but the falling sensation that makes my heart race when using a step stool.  Snakes?  don’t get me started.  Don’t even like to see them on TV.  And my boys think that’s hilarious.

  • Night owl or early bird?

Night Owl.  Definitely a Night Owl.

  • If you’re willing to share, what’s your most embarrassing moment?

I don’t get embarrassed really.  I mean I’m sure I do a TON of embarrassing things, but I have a 2 second rebound rate of recovery.

  • Cats or dogs?

Both Really…I love dogs, but with my schedule I can’t justify the amount of time a Dog would be kept cooped up… So, I have cats.  2 of them.  No need to start in on Crazy cat lady jokes just yet though.

  • When you have nothing else to do, what do you find yourself doing?

Now that I stopped laughing at the idea of not having anything to do… I have no clue.  It’s been a while since that happened. Sleep?  Crochet? Go for a walk?  Veg out and watch TV?  Catch a movie?  Read a book?  Depends on the mood.

  • What’s a talent you wish you had?

I still wish I had stuck with piano lessons when I were younger.  I’d love to play an instrument.

My mostly random questions for the next crew:

  1. Tell me something New you recently learned
  2. What’s your Biggest Pet Peeve?
  3. In the event of the Zombie Apocalypse  would you hole up in your house with only food and no defensive supplies/protection or hit the road with a full tank of gas but very little food/water/supplies?
  4. If you were any animal in the world, what would you be and why?
  5. What was the last thing you did simply to push the limits of what you thought you could do? (or what challenges do you have coming up that will push yourself)
  6. What’s your favorite color?
  7. Would you rather cook or bake?
  8. If you could go back to any year and tell your younger self ANYTHING, what would you say?
  9. Who inspires you?
  10. How did we meet? {In real life or virtually}
  11. How much do you hate that I tagged you in this?

The bloggers I’ve chosen… in no particular order…

  1. Shannon over at Aries Mommy – not quite Supermom but that’s ok by me…more than ok, she’s my rock.
  2. Evin making us both laugh and hungry over at Food Good Laundry Bad.
  3. Amanda who makes me think more often than not over at Keep it Complicated.
  4. Priscilla from The Wheelchair Mommy who wants me to jump out of an airplane.
  5. Traci from A Star in my own universe, whose smile brightens up a room.
  6. Megan from Mean Baby makes me smile with all that Pistol Wears
  7. Rachel who amazes me with her strength daily over at To Hab and To Hold.
  8. Tina who shares my affinity for wine and the brilliance behind MadHatter Mom.
  9. Resa who is not only Making Geek Look Good but is also responsible for the latest overhaul here 🙂
  10. Gene “BigZig Fitness” who is a Fitfluential Ambassador and a friend.
  11. Marla who helps us all by Saving U Green plus she’s amazing and fun and filterless… just like all the other cool kids 🙂


HOLY CRAP that was a long post… but if you’ve read THIS far, go ahead and show some love to the bloggers I listed above.  I know when you go visit them, you will learn to love them like I do.



  1. Professor Google – that’s cute.

    What a fun list! I made it to the end so when I get more time I’ll check out your chosen ones. 🙂

  2. Go you on your 13 5ks in 2013! That’s impressive – it’s hard for me to sustain for the entire year.

    I also got a tattoo (in high school) that my parents didn’t know about until a doctor visit! hah.

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