
Tis the season…

Nope – not Christmas (yet) or Thanksgiving or Halloween… Tis the season where EVERYTHING gets “pumpkin-fied”

And I have to say… we *may* have gone a bit overboard.

I have a confession… I’m not a fan.

Don’t get me wrong – I’m not vehemently opposed like some I know *ehem – Evin* but I’m over the “let’s put pumpkin in everything” craze.

For Thanksgiving… we don’t even have pumpkin pie in our house.  Nope.  I make a chocolate peanut butter cheesecake.  It’s the one time a year I do, and it’s worth it.

But lately I’ve wondered… Pumpkin Pie used to be synonymous with Thanksgiving.  (Well, that and Pecan Pie) but now that EVERYTHING is pumpkiny, has pumpkin pie lost it’s charm?  I’ll have to defer to y’all for that one…

What I once stored safely in the “desert” category has infiltrated every other meal and snack category… you could fashion an entire day of eats and snacks with pumpkin-ness and need not look any further than Pinterest if you are lacking inspiration… or your local store shelves… from baked goods to beer to oreos to lattes to soups to hummus… yes, even pumpkin hummus… Have we gone too far?

Like…. Pumpkin pie spice Pringles…I know these were only available for a limited time and since they are sold out on Amazon I’m hoping that time has passed but…. of course, if interested you can add these to your wish list and be notified if any more become available…

Still trying to satisfy your pumpkin craving with a crunchy snack?  Well, good news… there’s Pumpkin Spiced Yogurt Pretzels…

There’s also Pumpkin Spice Granola Bars…

And even pumpkin Spice Almonds…

Looking for something sweet instead? Well then… there’s always the “pseudo healthy” Pumpkin Spiced Trail mix…

Or… Kandy Kale…

Ingredients include: Kale*, Cashews*, Coconut Palm Sugar*, Cacao Butter*, Pumpkin Spice*, Lemon Juice*, Vanilla Extract*, Sea Salt. (*Organic)… I’m gonna pass.


Not even gonna pretend to be “healthy”? That’s cool – some of our favorite cookies have been pumpkin-fied… Like Oreos…

And Nabsico’s Milanos…

Me? I’m a purist… I want my Oreos original (with a temporary exception for Reese’s Oreos) and my Milanos Minty. Period…

Not in a snacky mood but looking for an adult beverage? Pumpkin has infiltrated our alcohol too…

There’s a slew of Pumpkin beers on the market – reviewed over on Thrillist so you can make the “right” choice…
Great Lakes Distillery has concocted a Pumpkin Spirit

Pinnacle Vodka has added a Pumpkin Pie Flavored Vodka to their list of 40 flavors…

and if wine is more your thing, many wineries are offering pumpkin wine…

Need something of substance to soak up all that alcohol?  Check out the Pumpkin Spice Fatte from pornburger…

Or maybe you want to make something pumpkinny at home…

Looking for a pumpkin filled breakfast?

See what I mean?

STOP making all the things pumpkin… sometimes it doesn’t make the original better…


Axis of Ineptitude


  1. Pure pumpkin is good to feed dogs with digestive problems. PI,PO.

    Also… I do make a pumpkin cheesecake that is better than any pumpkin pie you’ve ever had, but I don’t do the pumpkin spice candle/coffee/candy/croquembouche/crisps circus.

  2. Oh yes, America does go crazy on the pumpkin. There is a large onslaught every time I look at my websites and social media. And, seriously, it SPRING here!

  3. I think it’s fine as long as it’s an option in addition to other things. I can’t imagine who would want pumpkin spice chips but I don’t even waste the time to care as I reach for whatever it was I came down the aisle for. One more flavor is not a bother to those of us (THAT’S ME) who like things plain, plain, plain. No matter how many crazy flavors there are, plain will always be an option. Original Doritos? Yep. Fritos that don’t blow right out your ass with their chili cheese flair? Yep. Beer in beer flavor? Yep.

    All the plain. All for me. Awwwww yeah…..

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