Portion control & EatSmart Food Scales – Review & Giveaway

My apologies for not getting this posted sooner – craziness has been afoot!  BUT!  The Winner is…

Portion control has always been an issue for me.  I love food… LOVE it…. but for so many years, I lived to eat… instead of eating to live.

but this past year, I’ve been really struggling to retrain my body to learn what portions are needed to fuel myself without overindulging.  Overindulging in even the healthiest of foods leaves me feeling full and bloated and does nothing to assist with my weight loss efforts.

Something that has helped more than anything is my EatSmart Precision Pro Kitchen Scale. This scale is small enough to sit on my kitchen counter without being in the way and accurate enough that I feel confident using it to measure out proper portions.

It sounds a little controlling though, doesn’t it?  measuring everything… weighing everything… For those who haven’t followed on my journey, you need to understand that I started in a very lost place.  I had no idea how to eat right… what to fuel my body with… I didn’t exercise… I had honestly forgotten what hungry was like.  Seriously.  In the beginning of my journey towards living a healthier life, I was told to “eat when I was hungry and stop when I was full”

While a great idea…

And something I truly believe in…

That meant nothing to me.

I had skipped so many meals that my body never knew when it was going to eat again.  When I did eat, it was usually empty calories and junk food and I would stop long after being full.  It was far from healthy.

Once I started using a scale, I was able to retrain my body to remember what my body needs as fuel.  To feed it healthier, more nutrient dense foods. and the EatSmart Kitchen scale took all the work and worry out of it.  I’ve never looked back.

The scale itself is easy to use.  Turn the scale on, place your plate or bowl on the platform and zero it out before measuring your serving size or ingredients.  That simple.

Clean up is a breeze as well.  Plus, the modern design fits in with almost any kitchen decor.

More Features:

  • Digital kitchen scale.
  • Easy to use multifunction home scale.
  • Perfect for cooks, dieters and families.
  • Compact design and easy two button operation.
  • Eliminate the weight of a plate.
  • Compact Design & easy clean Top
  • 3 Minute auto shutoff.
  • Great for allowing cooks time to prepare ingredients while also maintaining battery life.
  • Highly accurate and aesthetically pleasing.
  • Includes 2 AAA batteries.

So where can you get your very own scale?  Glad you asked!

Buy it!

you can buy this fantastic scale here: EatSmart Precision Pro Kitchen Scale.  Just so you know, by purchasing through the affiliate links listed in this blog, all profits earned will be donated to charity.  The charity being sponsored this month is the American Red Cross.  Each month EatSmart will be choosing a different foundation to donate to.  So, not only do they offer amazing products, they give back where possible.  That’s enough to do business with any company if you ask me!

Win it!

That’s right, here at Slightly Off Kilter, I like to share my finds with you, my loyal readers!  That is why I’m giving away an EatSmart Precision Pro Kitchen Scale.  It’s helped me to gain control back and can help you no matter what your goals are.

So, here’s how to enter:

Main Entry:

Go “Like” EatSmart Products on Facebook and comment on their wall telling them why you need a food scale
(be sure to leave the link to your comment – verification is important)

Additional Entries:

(include verification links in your comments or they won’t count – 1 comment for each entry please)


1 Winner will be selected 7/15/2011 using the WordPress Plug-in “And the Winner Is”  Winner will be notified via email and will have 24 hours to confirm or another winner will be chosen.


I hope you love this scale as much as I do!

***EatSmart was a sponsor of Fitcation 2011.  As an attendee, I received their product for free; however, the opinions are 100% my own and have not been modified.***




  1. I voted for @NcCarterFamily for mamavation mom- I think they are all brave women to have applied and cant wait to see who gets picked!

  2. I follow you on twitter @tannawings I also follow most of the mamavtaion folks.

  3. I have been your stalker on twitter for a while now… 🙂

  4. I just started following EastSmart Foods on twitter.

  5. I like love you on facebook.com/triciagardner

  6. I left a message on their facebook wall and also liked them.
