I can’t believe that the Play in May Blogging Challenge has officially come to a close. I had so much fun writing with all of you… well those who participated I mean… and I liked having fun prompts to spark my creativity.
So much so that I decided that we should do it again. Next month. And the month after that and the month after that … or at least thru July since that’s all I have calendars for.
The rules themselves won’t change – play when you feel like it, no guilt when you don’t. But before I get too deep in the mire of June, today is the day we look back on the moments I loved.
Over the last month, we talked of the frivolous – Like Fashion we wish were still in style and beautiful art , we poked fun at being a girl and all that entails… but we also got serious and were completely honest… with ourselves and each other.
Having this challenge seemed to grant each of us permission to be ourselves and to admit our truth. The rest of the world may not allow that, but here in this corner of the world, we were free to celebrate and embrace our ineptitude… our faults, our flaws, our crazy.
I like the idea of vague prompts that can be interpreted in whatever way you wish. You can take a serious turn or be completely frivolous.
So let’s chat for a moment about next Month. I hope you’ll play along when the prompt speaks to you.
I mentioned a few changes. The most obvious one – No weekend posts. We all need a break don’t we? And on my weekends, I try to stay AWAY from the computer. And well, I’m quite the procrastinator so to assume that I’d have something lined up in advance is laughable.
That also gives a few days in case you missed a post and wanted to go back and catch up. Not a requirement of course, but an opportunity.
In June I’d also like to spotlight a couple of gals who blogged with us in May and pimp their sites. Wednesday prompts were picked because you COULD in fact post a Wordless Wednesday for the topic at hand. Should you do so, I hope you’d go link up over at Traci’s site – A Star in my own Universe. She does a weekly Wordless Wednesday and I love her for it.
Two of the Prompts are ‘Moments of Genius” and those are courtesy of Lydia over at a Cluttered Genius. I’m going to post more about that tomorrow, but you can be all serious on those or a bit tongue in cheek if you wish.
As for the linky code. If you blog and would like to, you can include the linky code with your post. That means that when someone comes to your page, they will see the same linky as everyone else has and can blog hop around our circle easily.
Instead of posting it every morning-ish {whenever I get around it} there will be a Doc in the Axis of Ineptitude Facebook group with the codes for the month. That way, those of you who ACTUALLY plan ahead don’t have to wait around on me… Not a member of the facebook group? Join us. We don’t bite. Hard.
I hope you’ll join us in June, which is btw – the BEST month of the year. 😉
Did you write a look back recap? Link up below 🙂 Thanks for playing along with me 🙂

I loved it and I am so in for June. Thanks for the shout out. I absolutely love you!
I love the idea of having the prompts in advance. Sometimes when I go on a writing bender I can get a lot of posts written. Whenever I try to post first thing in the morning for the day I become idea-less and very quickly spiral into….just not posting much.
That’s not quite what happened in May. Life became a bit unbloggable for a hot minute (sometimes I really miss the days of having an anonymous blog but I keep mine non-anon so I never forget nothing is ever TRULY anon.)
You know what I mean. One of those situations that while it’s happening if the wrong person found it there is stuff that could honestly negatively impact your life but if you wait and post about it after it happens it won’t have teeth to bite anymore.
I look forward to participating more faithfully in June!
I loved every post you shared Decki. And surprisingly, I get it. The anon part. Totally.