I hinted at the photo shoot that almost wasn’t yesterday and I feel compelled to share more about the start to the day. Mostly so you can laugh at me. Also, I know that these are all FWP and in light of Frankenstorm, really are NOT that disastrous.
The trouble actually started Saturday night when my darling Evin from Food Good Laundry Bad and I decided that we would get her car seats out of my car “later” … and later never happened… a fact I discovered once I had already gotten home lat Saturday night. I didn’t want to make the 30 minute trek back since I was going to see her again the next day, so I decided I would just be sure to get to her house by 8 when the inlaws were scheduled to arrive to take her littles to church.
If you already follow me on Facebook, chances are good that you already know what happened next. You see, I have one of those fancy schmancy alarm clocks that automatically changes for daylight savings time. Which is awesome unless of course, “they” change the weekend that Daylight savings time actually happens. For the record, it’s THIS WEEKEND so consider yourself warned but my clock decided to change the clock LAST weekend… so when I was getting up at 10 till 7, thinking I had plenty of time to get ready, stop for coffee, and STILL make it there by 8, it was actually 10 till 8.
Definitely no time for Coffee…
Which resulted in an obscenity or two via FB message letting Evin know I’d be late…
Then, because I live in the pseudo country and am headed out to the REAL country, I almost hit a deer. A large deer.
A bit shaken, but still on my way, when a black cat runs out in front of me… and yes, I missed hitting the cat too.
At this point, I learn that her inlaws can’t wait for my late ass to show up because that would make them late for church, so I might as well stop for coffee… a fact much appreciated by Evin as she texts me the EXACT location of the nearest Starbucks.

Not the ACTUAL sign – thanks to flickr
While en route, my mom calls… and while hearing about her new furniture, I totally miss my turn… which means I’m about to hit a toll road… which will take me WAY out of the way… but no worries, I see a turn ahead… and COMPLETELY ignore the big orange signs that tell me that the road is closed…
Kids, do NOT try this at home… seriously. It’s helluva bumpy ride but luckily, I’m back on solid ground very soon…
And then? I get lost… completely confused… until I see the beacon of hope up ahead in the shape of a Starbucks Sign.
I place my order at the drive through because in all the frantic crazy of waking up late, I’m driving barefoot… and I should have known that this would be a bad thing when the “barista” (and I use that term loosely) stops me mid-order and says “You want a WHAT?”
So, I speak slower… I am in the country after all… I finish my order and pull forward… only to have the “barista” try to give me the WRONG order not once… not twice… not thrice… but 4 times!
FOUR TIMES people… From there, I just started laughing at everything and made it to Evin’s house in time to get ready and arrive (only a little late) to our photo shoot with her youngest minion in tow – who is adorable btw so seriously, not a huge deal.
After that not so great start to the day I was not sure WHAT to expect… but, I had a BLAST at in.gredients and will post about them and the amazing Mean Baby who provided the camera and talent for our photo session very VERY soon. Like tomorrow if I can… So stay tuned 🙂
Wow, sounds like a wild ride! 🙂 Can’t wait to see more!