Y’all know that Mamavation is near and dear to my heart. It’s time again for another 7-week boot-camp and voting has already begun in case you didn’t know. The five finalists are all amazing and remarkable women who would be wonderful if selected. I can say this as I got the pleasure of talking with each and every one of them – AMAZING conversations. We laughed… We cried… ok, maybe not cried but there was laughter.
So… When one of the applicant’s asked if I would allow her to guest post here, I was happy to oblige. I get to meet Wendy for realz in NYC in a couple of weeks but I wanted all of you to have the chance to meet her as well. You can see all of the Mamavation Mom videos and vote for your favorites – how often do you have the chance to CHANGE SOMEONE’S LIFE? Do it – (oh yeah… and there may be a chance for you to win the $100 giveaway Wendy is posting but you’ll have to read below for more info)
Without further ado – Here’s Wendy
Hey! I’m Wendy and I blog over at WWW.theweightsover.net. I’ve been writing The Weights Over since last September when I decided, finally, once and for all I was going to make the changes I needed to make to get healthy and fit. I was tired of being tired and of being unhealthy. I decided to take a stand for myself, and I did! I was nearly a size 28, and about 280 pounds. I was at my heaviest, ever, and I knew this went WAY beyond losing weight to look good. I needed to lose weight to LIVE.
I took one of the scariest step (for me) that I could do. I signed up for a program at my local gym, and got started on changing my life! I started working out and do kinds of exercise that I never thought I ‘d do. I cried my way through my first ever Spin class… I learned a lot about weights…and I started walking. I started paying attention to my food,and most importantly, I joined the Mamavation Sistahood for support and BOY did I get it! With Mamavation, there is no judgement,just people to support you and help you get to where you want to go. Now it’s time for my next step! I am a finalist for Mamavation Mom. I am so very excited to hopefully take this next step and enter this bootcamp knowing I will be challenged and pushed and get to the level that I want to be at! This is the perfect time for me to be a Mamavtion Mom.
This is my NOW.
There are 5 very worthy women in the running for Mamavation Mom. I relly do think I’m ready, and will be an excellent Mom. Please vote for me. I am also host a $100 Paypal Giveaway on my blog: www.theweightsover.net. http://bit.ly/JpdSyk Stop by and enter!
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