The holiday season is definitely in full force at my house. The tree is decorated, the lights carefully line the rooftop, stockings are lovingly hung on the mantle, and the baking has already begun. As magical as this time might be, it can also be a stressful time.
I like to think back to my childhood to remember the joy of the season as seen through a child’s eyes. This helps me to stay sane during a crazy time. Here are a few tips I’ve picked up over the years for how to stay healthy and sane through the holidays:
- K.I.S.S – While kissing your loved one can help make your holidays bright, I’m referring to the saying I hear a lot – Keep It Simple Silly (I know I’ve heard a different ‘S’ word used here, but I don’t like that one). This can apply to everything from the decorations to the gifts to the food you prepare and/ or eat. Keep it simple. You don’t have to compete with your neighbors for the most decorated yard or prepare a lavish spread for every holiday gathering you host.
- Family focus – I don’t remember every present I’ve ever unwrapped from birth to now, but I do recall the memories of my childhood. Time spent with family. Those are the things that your children will remember (and so will you). So whether you build gingerbread houses (like my friend Rachel) or take walks throughout the neighborhood to admire the christmas lights, do it as a family. Added benefit – If you are wearing Earth Footwear, an evening stroll can also work off some of the holiday treats you’ve enjoyed
- While we are on the subject of treats, Be Reasonable – You will be faced with an extrodinary about of temptations with cakes, pies, cookies, fudge, candy, brittle, brownies, truffles… (I could go on but I think I just gained 5 lbs thinking of those confectionary concoctions) Deprevation isn’t the answer – at least not if you are like me. I don’t know about you, but when I deprive myself, I’m more tempted to eat everything in site. If you want a cookie (or other treat) really think about it. Do you really want it or are you mindless eating? Have healthy snacks readily available, but if you really want something you are faced with – have 1 cookie – not the whole plate. Have a few bites of cake/pie instead of a large piece. Have a plan ready to deal with the situation and be gentle with yourself.
- Fitness – Fitness can be anything that gets you moving. Schedule some time at least a few days a week when you dedicate a few minutes to being active – with or without the family. Why is this important? I have to quote one of my favorite movie lines for this –
“Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don’t shoot their husbands, they just don’t.” ~ Legally Blond
I used to think I didn’t have the time or energy to exercise – Now I don’t know how to function without it. I have more energy, get a better night’s sleep, and am an all around happier person because I schedule fitness into my day. I honestly don’t know how my family survived before.
- And finally, Take some YOU time – This is the hardest for me because I work so hard to ensure that everyone has the happiest of holidays, that I sometimes forget what my family really needs is a happy mommy. Take a time out – Hey – it works for the kids! Remember to breath – deeply and fully. Meditate, pray, do yoga – whatever relaxation method works for you. And don’t lose site of what’s really important this holiday season.
So those are my top 5 – Now it is your turn. What do you do to stay healthy and sane during the holiday seasons? I’d love to know!
I wrote this blog post while participating in the Bookieboo and Earth Footwear “All’s Well That Ends Well” blogging program, making me eligible to win a pair of Earth Footwear boots. For more information on how you can participate, click here.
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