#mamavation Monday & George Foreman Knock out the fat Update

This was a decent week… not great, but not horrible either.  Eating was good - family favorite meal was grilled turkey burgers served on Ozery Bakery One buns.  Very thin but makes me feel like I’m eating bread.  Plus – I’m a label reader and I like what I saw…

Ingredients: Whole wheat flour & wheat germ, filtered water, multigrain mix (flax seeds, crushed flax seeds, cracked wheat, cracked rye, barley grits, millet meal, sunflower seeds, durum grits, rolled oats and cracked triticale), natural honey,  sour dough (organic unbleached flour, filtered water, natural honey, yeast, sea salt,  sunflower oil), crushed flax, yeast, oats, millet, sea salt, sunflower oil. May contain sesame seeds.

Of course we added lettuce and tomato to the burger and added some

Corazona’s tortilla chips with watermelon for dessert and Wa-La the whole family felt like it was a cheat meal… far be it from me to tell them otherwise.

Bread has always been a tough one for me.  I mean I love pasta but bread… not so much.  I’ve tried all kinds and even made my own and still it was a tough thing for me to swallow… but I like the convenience of sandwiches – especially in the summer – so I was glad to find an alternative that the whole family could enjoy.  Plus, with Whole Grains, it’s a bit easier for me to get my fiber in and that’s a good thing in my book.  We also enjoyed Flatout bread wraps with grilled chicken, sprouts, avocado, tomato.  The boys enjoyed the wraps as much as I do and I feel better about them eating those than a regular tortilla…

So, eating was good.

Fitness… honestly… a bit lackluster… I know you guys are sick and tired of hearing me complain about the heat… but it’s ROUGH.  Something about the heat/humidity combo just takes it ALL out of me.  Even with a treadmill it’s soooooo much easier to just collapse in my big comfy brown recliner and call it a day after work, dinner, clean up etc… So, as much as I like sleeping in… I have no choice but to get my butt up in the morning and get my workout in early.  I totally KNOW why this is important…. but it also means I need to break up with my snooze button.  I’ll be checking in on twitter to hold myself accountable, so you other early birds… if you don’t see me, would you slap me around a bit…?

This week the scale showed no change… it could be the lackluster workouts… or the arrival of aunt flo… or just about anything really.  I know where I need to kick it back into gear and am on the right track.

Meal Planning:

Monday – Flank Steak Fajitas (using plain Chobani as the sour cream) on corn tortilla

Tuesday –  Quinoa with grilled veggies – modified version of This Recipe

WednesdayGrilled pork with Grape and Arugula Salad

Thursday BarbeQue Chicken Pizza

Friday – Grilled Turkey Burgers – like I said – Family Fav 🙂

Saturday – Grilled chicken salads (lots of veggies from the farmers market that morning)

SundayBraised Chicken with Mushrooms and Pearl Onions

I’ve been pretty steady with my breakfasts and lunches, so I didn’t list them here – my favorite afternoon snack has been Chobani yogurt and DID YOU KNOW that I have a giveaway RIGHT HERE where 2 lucky readers will win a case of the good stuff?  so, don’t forget to enter 🙂

There will be other giveaways over the next few weeks so stay tuned  (including one tomorrow) 🙂

Speaking of Giveaways – Did you know that TONIGHT Mamavation is giving away a Sportline Pedometer to 4 lucky participants?

This week’s question sponsored by Together Counts:

How often do you and your family eat meals together and get active together?

Summer is busy – busier than normal and with shared custody, my time with my boys is definitely limited.  HOWEVER (or maybe because of that) I make sure that we eat together every night that they are with us.  Sometimes it’s the only time I get them talking about what’s going on in their world…. plus it’s how I make sure that they eat at least 1 bite of their veggies 🙂  As far as getting active together…  That’s a weekend adventure full of swimming at the pool or lake, riding bikes, or just playing Frisbee.  I know that we are doing good things for our bodies, but really I’m more interested in the day when they are grown and can look back and remember the time spent together.

So, how ’bout you?  I’m looking forward to hearing all about your family time to get healthy!

“This post is sponsored by Together Counts and I’m writing this to be entered into a Qlip Any-where Pedometer giveaway hosted by Mamavation .”

***Ozery Bakery, Flatout bread & Corazonas were  sponsors of Fitcation 2011.  As an attendee, I received their products for free; however, the opinions are 100% my own and have not been modified.***




  1. I love your meal plan! It’s inspiring me to get back on track with that. We are prepping for a move and I have fallen out of the habit with all the craziness…which is the opposite of the stability I need right now. Thanks for the kick in the pants!

  2. Your menu sounds super yummy.

    I always see no weight gain is better than some weight gain right.

    Eating together just make so many memories. We have some of our best conversations at the dinner table.

  3. I live on the surface of the sun, or what feels like it some day. I’m one of those weird ones though that isn’t much bothered by it. Maybe it’s the ‘dry heat’? My daughter walks with me and the heat kills her so I try to get out early or take advantage of the time she’s at swim team and do my walking while she’s swimming.

    Your menu sounds delicious, what time’s dinner? I’ll bring my own plate and utensils and clean up after myself, ok? 😉

    Have a terrific week!


  4. The heat can be a b*tch. Do check out Runners Worlds “Beat the Heat” tips. You can google them and the article is a few years old but there is some useful information. I used the tips to run in Miami during the summer and not get up at the crack of dawn. Good luck.

  5. I’m more interested in the day when they are grown and can look back and remember the time spent together.

    Agreed! I cherish the time I spend running and playing with the kids! You’re doing a great job of being a role model – have a great week!

  6. Your meal plans makes me hungry. BBQ chicken pizza sounds so delicious. Since we came back from TX, I am still struggling to get back into the steady routine. We will do our best, right?

  7. Yep, the heat bothers me too. I get it. I’m so lucky that the guys who work at my gym pass out cold wet washcloths to those of us slaving away! It’s the coolest thing. Literally and figuratively. Lol.

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