#Mamavation Monday – 4-9-2011

This past week was a whirlwind of a different nature. The week before was crazy chaos that had me wanting to curl up in the fetal position and hide under the covers.

This week was crazy chaos, but of a different nature. It seems like things are moving in a positive direction – both with the kiddo issues of last week but also with work. Plus there was a measure of sadness and loss this weekend.

This week my focus was TOTALLY on my upcoming 5K and the training needs for that. I’m running the Susan G Komen Race for the Cure on April 30th! Holy CROW that is right around the corner! The best part is that my kids asked to run with me and I couldn’t be prouder. As such, I’m anticipating that my time might be slower than I’d like, but I’m so overjoyed that they want to participate that I’ll take it. This race really hits close to home as a dear friend of mine and former teacher lost her battle with cancer over the weekend. It was a bittersweet time – my grief at losing such a brilliant light combined with my gratitude that the suffering has ended. I know she passed in peace and touched many lives while she was here. What started as breast cancer spread to her brain so, by running, I feel as though I’m doing my little part to help out a worth cause. Stay tuned to see how you can help in my fundraising efforts for this race if you are interested in contributing!

Plus, training continues for my half marathon coming up in November! I’d like to point out the obvious, but seriously, if you were to have told me at this time last year that I would be RUNNING I would have laughed at you.

On the work front – Long story… at the end of the year, I was offered (unofficially) a promotion within the company but circumstances put that on hold and I just learned that the wheels are moving again and I’m scheduled to start my new position May 2. This is an exciting opportunity both financially and emotionally as it has me doing what I love and puts me in a position to really help grow the company. I’m uber excited about it and am already making plans for my new office! (With a REAL Door and WINDOWS!)

All in all it was a good week and I’m looking forward to Mamavation TV this week where we will not only get to see the lovely Mamavation Moms front and center, but also get to chat with the REMARKABLE Alysa (@inspiredRD) who helped me out so much during my Mamavation Bootcamp. She’s remarkable!

Thanks for stopping by!



  1. you are doing awesome with your walking and im proud of you

  2. Congrats on the promo! EO April & May is going to be a big (and exciting) time for you. Have a great week!

  3. Thank you for sweet comment and support on my blog post this morning…
    How awesome you are running a 5K, good luck!!


  4. Woot! Super proud of you and all that you have (and will continue to) accomplish!! 🙂

  5. Congrats on your promotion, Miss Twinkle Toes! I remember when I first scored myself an office with doors and windows. hehe. It’s fabulous. You’re gonna lurves. 😉

  6. Amanda Odair says

    I am so proud of you! You are such an amazing women! I am so happy to have you in my life!

  7. I am so happy for you that you are running the 5k and how awesome is it that your kids want to do it too. That’s great! Congrats on the promotion. Sounds like things are going great for you. Thank you for all of your support.

  8. My condolences on the loss of your dear friend. I hear ya on the mixed feelings. I have lost several who are dear to me over the yrs to cancer, and other diseases, and my mum has been battling cancer, and my dad is dying of heart, liver disease. I understand how you are happy for the suffering to cease, but yet, not wanting to lose them. It’s so hard. I congratulate you, that despite these hardships you were able to work out, train for your run, and keep on keeping on. You are an inspiration to me girl. Lots and lots of hugs!

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