#Mamavation Monday – 3-20-2011

This week felt so much better.  I was back on track, daily journaling my meals and fitness and posting them on bookieboo for all to see. As a result, I ate more consciously and prepared my meals in advance in order to stick with what I KNOW I need to do.  It makes such a difference – I’m not stuck at work with the hunger pangs leading me to make bad choices.

Planning Planning Planning… it is so important!

Also, as you may have seen, this week I was treated to not ONE but TWO date nights with the hubs!  I was super stoked about that BTW because we hardly ever go out… life just gets crazy and this week we decided that we definitely need to spend more time making US a priority.  This week was SXSW and if you aren’t familiar, it is an amazing gathering of all things creative – music, movies, you name it, they converge on Austin like the freetail bats and take over.

I’ve lived just north of Austin for most of my life – save the two years that I lived in Memphis that I’m still trying to block – and I have never been.  Hubs has also lived here his whole life and hasn’t either.  So when we scored tickets to a private party on Thursday night and the Strokes were playing, we HAD to go.  No doubt about it.  Then when I saw that Bowling for Soup and Blue October were playing Friday night – I knew we had to go then too.

We had an AWESOME time… Friday night, Hubs wanted thoe “whole concert experience” and wanted to eat the concert food, see the concert, feel the music, get the T-shirt… and honestly, at first, I was a little worried… I mean when I think of an outdoor concert, I envision sausage wraps and funnel cakes… but NO – I found the most delicious crepe filled with veggies and had free Chobani Pomegranate yogurt for desert!

We really did have a Blast and both realized just how much fun we have together and just how thankful we are to live in a city that offers such amazing events.





In other news, the moment you’ve been waiting for:



That’s right folks, slow and steady, 1 lb at a time is working for me and I could NOT be happier!

This week the blogging carnival is sponsored by Orville Redenbacher and I LOVE them!  They posed a question this week that is really hard for me to answer…

Are you a sweet or savory snacker?  What do you look for in a healthy snack?

And honestly, I like both – it totally depends on my mood. Sometimes I want salty… sometimes I want sweet. Sometimes I want both mixed together YUM. But since finding Mamavation, I try to find healthier snacks that meet the criteria. If I want salty, I will head to popcorn… If I want sweet, I reach for some fruit… if I want both, I’ll do an apple with peanut butter or I’ll sprinkle some dark chocolate chips on my popcorn (don’t knock it till you’ve tried it!)… the main thing I’ve learned is that no matter what you are craving, there is a healthier alternative!

And… if you’ve read this far, thought I should include a little video from me to you… forgive the fact that I’m signing along the ENTIRE time and do NOT have the best vocal coordination… but seriously – how could I NOT sing one of my favorite songs???

So, from me to you – here’s Blue October singing Hate Me at SXSW:

OH! One last thing – if you haven’t already, go ahead and “like” me on facebook and connect with me through Google Friend connect m’kay? that way I know who I’m offending with my horrific vocal stylings hehehehehehehe.



  1. Shelley,
    Congrats on your loss! congrats on getting to go out with your hubby. I hear ya.. we go out maybe a few times a yr if that. Lately we just order take out to save on babysitter costs LOL
    Glad to see you had fun, and found healthy food options there too! good for you!

  2. You crack me up and thank you for making your loss big and bold! I am getting old so its hard to see sometimes! Im glad you had a good time this weekend. Lets do this!

  3. Way to get back to it!! So great to have the tools that you know will work and that you can revert to those good habits when you need to. So proud of you!

    So fun that you got TWO date nights! Hubs & I were supposed to have date night on Friday but his mom FORGOT that she was supposed to be babysitting for us! We had a good laugh & made the most of it with drive-thru (salad!) and a Redbox movie. 🙂

    • OH NO! Don’t you love when “senior moments” get in the way of your plans?!?! WTG on making the best of the situation! 🙂 Proud of you too!

  4. I am so happy you had a great time. Sounds really exciting. Have a great week and TTYL

  5. Oh, how fun! So glad you were able to get out with your hubby. It is good for your relationship and the soul. Looks like a great festival, wish I was closer. 🙂

    Congrats on your loss! It cracks me up that so many of us have said we are double duty snackers, both sweet AND savory. I think that says a lot about the will power we need to say “no” sometimes. Have a great week and keep up your hard work.

    • ya know, I find that when I’m “snacky” there’s really nothing specific I’m craving… I have to be really careful to NOT try everything in the house until I find what I wanted LOL! thanks for your comment 🙂

  6. You are doing great! And TWO date nights? GREEN with envy!

    • TRUST me – 2 date nights IN A ROW is so not the norm! but we did agree to schedule at least one a month from here on out 🙂

  7. Slow and steady wins the race!

    Have a great week!

    • and I wouldn’t have it any other way! I’ve been on crash diets that helped me lose weight quickly, but then I gain it all back plus some… ok, plus a lot. this way I KNOW it is sticking! Thanks for your comment!

  8. Date nights are awesome! So glad you went out, had fun, and ate smart.
    Woohoo on the weight loss this week. Great job planning and journaling.

  9. Amanda Odair says

    I love that we are doing the food post together again it has kept me on track this week. Thank you so much for all the support you give me and for ALWAYS being there biggest hugs ever!!!!

    • Biggest hugs BACK! you are doing so awesome and are gonna make such a GREAT Mentor to the next round of Moms!

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