Late last night after the necessary phone calls had been made, dinner consumed, dishes washed and put away, I embarked on cookie baking. Not for my family of course because that would mean that I’d personally eat the 4 dozen cookies I lovingly prepared by myself, but to help with the Austin Bakes for West community Bake sale on Saturday. It’s something I learned about through my affiliation with the Austin Food Blogger Alliance which means that there are some SERIOUS foodies prepping their goods for this event. How cool is THAT? If you are local, guess what? There are 8 locations around town so there’s SURE to be one near you! Details on how you can find some sweet and savory goodness near you can be found on the event page.
but I digress…

Photo Credit: Bramblewood Fashion
As I was making cookies, I began to get a bit nostalgic about my youth and how I would come home every day to freshly baked cookies coupled with a cold glass of milk. I’d be greeted by mom in her perfectly pressed dress and heels and apron; hair coiffed in such a way that she made all her domestic goddess duties look easy…
and then I remembered that’s not my life, nor my mother… That was Donna Reed.
Let’s face it, even back then television shows were telling us how our lives SHOULD be and when they weren’t, we somehow felt less than.
Nowadays, as a working mother, I struggle to find a way to balance the quick and easy with the healthy. My boys are amazingly active – swim team, Jr. Triathlons, running, hiking… but still I hate being the mom that always poo-poos the “fun snacks” in lieu of carrots and bell pepper sticks. And even then I worry about organic vs non organic and if it really matters… and THEN I worry about GMOs and how do I know since no one is required to label… and THEN I worry about how to balance all of that within my family budget.
Then… I’ll admit… there are times when I just give up and reach for something in a package that is probably GMO laden, non-organic junk food and for the moment, Big-Food has won.
With all this worry about what we put IN our bodies, now I’m starting to worry about what I put ON our bodies too. Lotions and make up, soaps, shampoos, Perfumes…..
And what about what we use in the home? Cleaning products, laundry soap, air freshener…
What about even vitamins and supplements
The list goes on and on and if I truly worried about it all, I would never sleep again.
BUT… then I discovered Conscious Box. A monthly subscription service where you:
- Get a variety of unique pure & natural products every month! (From organic food to vegan beauty products, you’re sure to find new favorites!)
- Discover ethical and purpose-driven businesses of all sizes!
- Get content on daily living tips, exciting monthly themes, and creative ways to use your box!
- Easily earn points you can apply to full size products for unbeatable discounts!
Yes, I know that the “monthly box service” model is quite popular right now, but bear with me. This IS different.
How? Glad you asked.
Well, for starters, the businesses included in the Conscious Box.
Whenever possible, we seek to emphasize the discovery of small “mom-and-pop” businesses. Our hope is that the majority of products you receive are from brands you’ve never heard of. We’ve found that businesses like these are the ones that often have the best products, but that they lack the resources for effective marketing and promotions. Our goal is to help those brands develop relationships with new customers so they can continue to create positive change with their conscious businesses.
The content we include in Conscious Box is also unique. While some subscription services may have a message, it’s typically just to market themselves and there isn’t much effort to introduce people to ways to change their lifestyle. We give our subscribers calls to action, challenges, and insightful information.
Wait… so let me get this straight – they do all the legwork to identify the companies I really should want to do business with, package it all up in eco-friendly box, ship it to my house and then offer me points on future products that I fall in love with?? Sign me up!
Which you can of course do… but before you sign up for Conscious Box, you might still have unanswered questions, right?
Well, the fine people at Conscious Box have allowed me to offer you fine folks a free month of Conscious Box so you can try it yourself. Once you realize how simple it is to work with companies who care as much about the earth as you do, you too will be hooked!
Not to mention, they offer Vegan and Gluten-Free boxes too for those who are interested.
Buy It:
You can sign up now and start receiving your very own monthly boxes without delay – Membership is extremely reasonable.
You can also purchase a membership as a gift which means that you can do something nice for someone else too! (Uh…. MOTHER’S DAY IS COMING!)
Win It:
Follow directions in the Rafflecopter widget below. One winner will receive a free month from Conscious Box Contest is open to US participants only so to my neighbors to the north, my apologies.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
DISCLAIMER: I was not compensated for the opinions presented here. The fine folks over at Conscious Box have authorized me to host this giveaway. In exchange I might receive my very own code for a free month – the same as the winner of this giveaway.
For us, it’s the food. I want us to eat better and more locally but cost and time issues always seem to win out. Maybe this could help me do better.
Eating, I love food!
I struggle with finding beauty products, thus don’t use them. So if this could solve my issue and give me a pretty face I am all for it.
We struggle with recycling since it’s not available much in our area 🙁
I should totally drop birch box and do this!
Right now I am struggling with eating meat. I’ve tried to let it go but my body doesn’t respond well! I’ll be researching Dietitians soon to figure it all out! Love your site!
I’m a fan of Alysa over at if you are looking for a recommendation – she’s like 100 shades of awesome for what it’s worth 🙂
Yes! I follow her on Twitter! Thanks!!! 🙂
I love taking long baths and showers and I know that can be so wasteful!
My pre-teen is very into “healthy” skin care and beauty products. This might make a great birthday present for her. I want to encourage her in this but sticker shock usually gets the best of me.
Beautifully written! Two things I love are SNACKS and getting things in the mail, I love that this combines them both!
Sounds amazing!
Snacks. I know I should just cut everything up as soon as we’re home from the store, but the way our schedule is, I never seem to be able to manage it.
Also, I love my horribly chemical laden hair products. I won’t let my kid use them, but I do… bad me.
I need to work in all areas.
I struggle with eating the right foods at the right time.
The more that I hear about this company, the more that I like it…thanks for sharing!