Thankful Thursday – The little things

thankful thursdayAfter a whirlwind of summer activity, it feels really good to get back into the Thankful Thursdays I share with Traci and Helen.

I can feel a difference in my world and in my interactions with those around me when I lose sight of gratitude.  As always, it’s not about having a perfect life, but more importantly, finding something to be grateful for.

Since we are dipping our toes back into the gratitude game, it makes sense to start small… literally and today we are talking about the little things we are grateful for.

Photo Texts from Mini-me

Friends who remind me who I am
The barista who knows my name… and my drink
Dominoes with my boys
Unplugged Fun
Shaded parking spots
The proper use of piqued instead of peeked/peaked
Dancing Groot
Dancing Groot
Coworkers who can make you laugh
Date Nights with awesome people
Cool Mornings
Smiley Face Breakfasts
Smiley Face BreakfastSleep
Coffee.  Always Coffee.

What about you?  What little things are you thankful for?


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