June is over?!?

How did this happen? I swear this year is FLYING by. I know this post is later than usual today but I’ve been busy. Like busier than usual.

I had a lot of fun with this past month of the challenge but with everyone having a life and all, I kinda felt like I was alone in this blogging challenge.

I also know that some of my posts weren’t as fun and upbeat as usual and I won’t apologize for that. Either you accept all of me or GTFO amiright?

So, to recap, here are some of my faves from the past month…
I wrote of love…

and my birthday {you didn’t forget my birthday did you?}

I swapped guest posts with the lovely and talented Evin and you can choose your own adventure – Her words or mine.

and of course, it’s not June without a testament to Fathers everywhere


Now for July. Here’s the deal – I know life is about to get all kinds of bat-shit crazy for some of y’all. Some are moving into new homes… some are on vacation… some are just trying not to pull their hair out while fielding the “I’m BORRRRREEEEDDD” from kids who are out of school.

So… Evin and I thought long and hard about what we wanted to do for this month and here it is:
JFW - Axis of Ineptitude

That’s right. Just FUCKING write. JFW is an opportunity for you to write and share whatever you feel like sharing. Link up with me every day that you write no matter the topic so we can hop along together.

Feel like writing but at a loss for words? Why not revisit the May or June challenge and see if there’s a topic you liked but didn’t have the time for.

There really are no rules here people. Just WRITE! And feel free to join us on Facebook to share your brilliance or get the code for the link up if you feel so inclined.



  1. Love this idea! I absolutely loved the May challenge, and then life got too crazy for me to follow along in June. I don’t think I hardly even had time to read any of the June posts, much less write myself. July should be fun, though!

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