I’m pretty sure I’m becoming an old fuddy duddy… I remember with great fondness the “good old days” where halloween meant fun for kids of all ages… whether it was fun activities for the younger kids or pumpkin carving or even pumpkin painting we all got to get involved. For the adults, or teens, Halloween often meant scarier parties but still pseudo family friendly…
Nowadays though, and for at least the last few years, it seems that it has become the day where girls and women dress as slutty as possible… and as the costumes get skimpier, the price tag increases.
I turned a blind eye for the most part as I saw
the Naughty Nun
Or the Naughty Nurse
Those were to be expected as fulfillment to men’s fantasies, right?
Then I started seeing storybook characters…
but seriously, I think we’ve crossed the line now that even Sesame Street Characters are getting involved…
Am I just a Prude? OR have we crossed some sort of line? Let me know the most ridiculous costume you’ve seen in the comments below.
I think my favorite is the one on The Bloggess’ site. The body bag. http://thebloggess.com/2012/10/skanky-ween/
yes, I saw that post too