So yeah… major Crisis in the casa this weekend. The youngest lost his tooth and while washing it for the tooth fairy, dropped it down the drain. Ensue Major meltdown… I still don’t understand why he was so upset, but something about wanting to show his dad when he goes home on Monday. Which confused me… because at first I thought that maybe the tooth fairy was more generous at his dad’s house… cuz my son is greedy smart like that … I thought that, until he said “No… I just wanna show dad. I wanna bring it back after and leave it for the tooth fairy here.” hmmm…. ok. Still confused.
We opted to write the tooth fairy a letter explaining the situation (i.e. tooth down the drain) and she was very understanding. Today, I got to be Supermom as the youngest and I separated the U joint and located the missing tooth. Ok, so I actually did the work while he watched with a mixture of disgust and amazement – there’s some nasty gunk in the u joint of that sink…
Sometimes it’s easy good to be supermom…
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