Fresh and Flavorful – Drunken Cherry Cobbler

A few months ago, like April or May, I had a slew of peaches that needed to be used cooked into something delicious.

As one is prone to do, I consulted the Pinterest and found the most delectable Butterscotch Peach Cobbler over at Parsley, Sage & Sweet. My family loved that without making a single modification and on top of the delicious recipe, her pictures are just as delicious looking. Seriously, it’s worth a click over to see the magnificence.

But then fast forward to now and I’m on a total Cherry Kick… and I had to ask myself… “Self? Wouldn’t that recipe with a few minor mods be PERFECT for cherry cobbler?”

The answer is of course yes.

As I mentioned, I love cherries. It wasn’t, however, until someone made me an Amaretto Cherry Milkshake several months back that I considered this particular combination of flavors.  So after a long and frustrating few days, I found myself in the kitchen last night experimenting… and that’s when Drunken Cherry Cobbler was born.

{Anyone else notice that this isn’t the first recipe for drunken something?  Just an observation… }

Drunken Cherry Cobbler | Slightly Off Kilter


Cherry Part:

  • 4 Cups (fresh or frozen) Pitted Cherries
  • 1 Cup Sugar (you could add more if your cherries are really tart)
  • 1/4 Cup Amaretto liquor
  • 4 Tablespoons Cornstarch

Cobbler Part:
(Modified only slightly from that which was originally found on Parsley, Sage & Sweet)

  • 1 stick of butter, melted in the baking dish {Do.  Not.  Skimp.  A FULL STICK PEOPLE.}
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1 cup flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon almond extract

The putting together part:

Turn the oven on to 350 and let your butter melt IN the baking dish.

While the butter is melting, combine your cherries and sugar  and Amaretto in a saucepan over medium heat.  Allow this to simmer, covered for 10 minutes or until your cherries start to soften.

Stir in the cornstarch and continue to cook until the entire mixture thickens.
Once thicken to your liking, remove from heat and allow to cool while making the cobbler part.

I make the cobbler part in a blender… Since it is a thinner batter, it is easy to pour and blenders are fun but you could use a mixing bowl or a wooden spoon for all I care here.  In short, mix all cobbler part ingredients together until no lumps or bumps remain.  Seriously.  Blender works great.

Remove the beautiful, melted butter from the oven but remember – that baking dish is HOT.  So use a hot pad or other hand protecting device… learn from my mistakes people…

Now, at this point, there is to be NO MORE MIXING.  I mean it.  You see that beautiful pool of butter in your baking dish?  Pour your batter straight on in.  Do Not Mix.  Just trust that all is right with the world.

Next – CAREFULLY add in your cherries on top of the rest of the concoction. You actually want layers – butter, batter, berries (well, you know what I mean) so again I say – NO MIXING.

Stick that whole thing on a cookie sheet and pop it back in your 350* oven for 35-45 minutes.

Once cooked, let it cool a bit.  You want to dig in immediately – I understand this.  You WILL burn the shit out of your tongue and it will hurt and then you will scream obscenities and not be able to taste the gloriousness once it does cool.  Or so I’ve heard.

Don’t let it cool too much because you can elevate the delicious by adding a scoop of vanilla ice cream to the warm (not scaldingly hot) cobbler.  Or whipped cream.  Or Crème fraîche.

Also, making said cobbler when you are home alone *may* be the worst idea ever.  I recommend making it when others will be around to help you consume said cobbler.  But it looks like it will keep fairly well so hopefully, the boys will help me finish this off when Mommy-Palooza starts on Monday!


Axis of Ineptitude

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