The face in the mirror…

I’ve been struggling lately… with myself most of all…

Most days, the face that greets me in the mirror each morning is the one I really like. The one I’m familiar with. The smiling, confident, happy face… albeit a bit tired most days. I see progress and that makes me smile.

Somedays there’s a confidence radiating from my reflection that reminds me that I can do whatever need be done.  That I will rock the day and make magic happen.  That I am unstoppable…

But then there are those moments when I look in the mirror and don’t like what I see… some days I don’t even recognize the person staring back at me…

that girl is frustrated and mean… angry and full of rage…

that girl is at the end of her rope and her emotions are completely out of control…

I don’t like that reflection but it doesn’t make it any less true on those days…

And so I wait until the girl I like returns and takes hold again…

Some days she’s quick to return… and sometimes it takes far longer than I’d like.

I wish I could flip a switch some days… be the girl I like and demolish the one I don’t… but life isn’t that easy is it?

So instead I’m left reconciling the two faces in the mirror… shielding those I love from the one that can be hateful and mean… showing everyone the one I like… and praying that I can maintain some semblance of control…


It’s never too late to join in on the Axis of Ineptitude blogging challenge. Play along in as many or few as you want!
February Blogging Challenge


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