What we Aren’t eating at our house….

Over the course of the last 12 weeks, if you have been following the George Foreman girls, you’ve probably seen a video or two of how to cook burgers and other yummy meals by using your George Foreman Grill.

This is not one of those posts.  In fact, this post, while featuring the George Foreman Grill will show you what we Aren’t eating here at our house.

This is just another way that using the George Foreman Grill helps my family to eat our favorite foods a bit healthier!

Have a great week!

I was named  on of 10 bloggers selected for the George Foreman Knock out the Fat Weight loss challenge where I received compensation for my honest opinions.



  1. That was amazing! I had no idea there would be that much fat. Wow!

  2. AWESOME presentation!!!

  3. I always amazes me when I see how much fat drains off!

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