Over the past {almost} two weeks, we’ve had a lot of fun…
We went whitewater rafting…
We’ve relaxed at the hot springs…
enjoyed some of the smaller wildlife…
And soaked up some beautiful scenery…
And while it’s been a remarkable trip… by the time you read this, we’ll be headed home… in the car… for the 16 hour commute…
A friend remarked to me as we chatted on my way up here that he hates driving.  I actually love the drive… although, making the trek alone gives me too much time to think and that is rarely a good thing. I prefer to have company in the car with me to sing along with the radio or fill the hours with conversation or that moment when you see something so remarkable you absolutely HAVE to share it with someone else because it would be a crime to keep it all to yourself…
We’ve made this trip enough times that I already know what to expect.
Hour 1 – Alright boys – let’s go. Â We’ve loaded the car the night before so we can just hit the road… after breakfast of course… wait – did everyone go to the bathroom? Â Give hugs one more time and say our goodbyes… ok NOW we’re leaving…
Hour 2 – Ears popping as we travel through the mountains. Â Boys laughing and singing along with our playlist. Â No one is fighting {yet}.
Hour 3 – Wait a sec… did I remember to go to the bathroom?  Doesn’t matter… squirrel bladder waits for no one…
Hour 4 – Woo Hoo – we’re in a new state! Â That was quick, this trip is gonna FLY by and we’ll be home before we know it!
Hour 5 – Choruses of “Mom… I’m hungry” are louder than the Pitch Perfect Soundtrack and I’m glad that I packed a cooler… and snacks… lots and lots of snacks… sandwiches, nuts, cheese sticks, crackers, fruit, oreos, m&ms, water, juice, hummus {ok, so that’s not really a good choice for road food but I had it so I packed it}
Hour 6 – WE’RE IN TEXAS!!! {only 10 more hours to go} Â Mini-me suggests we start the Les Miserables Soundtrack. Â This is Tradition {and kills about 3.5 hours generally}
Hour 7 – Another pit stop… If we wait much longer, I’m going to explode.  Need gas too while we’re at it.  Have the Giant bust out the Gas buddy app to find the cheapest gas… realize the urgency for a potty break is greater than my desire to save $0.03 a gal and stop at the nearest gas station that appears to have pseudo-clean bathrooms… Fight with the boys that the car has PLENTY of snacks and we really don’t need anything else… They win and now Beef Jerky has made it’s way into the car.
Hour 8 – Oh Look! Â The sign for Happy Texas. Â The exit for them at least… makes me smile… more so on the way home than on the way out of town for some reason.
Hour 9 – Absolutely nothing to see here… nothing. Â Flat nothing that looks the same… this might be the longest hour ever.
Hour 10 – HOLY MOTHER OF GOD WHAT IS THAT SMELL… oh wait – we’re in Lubbock. Â Never mind. Â That’s normal. Pit stop again…
Hour 11 – Boys are snoring… so much for having company on the trip… or navigators…
Hour 12 – Mini-me wakes up just long enough to point out the wind farm lights and tell me how they look like UFOs… like he’s done every year we’ve made this trip. Â I agree and within minutes, he’s snoring again. Â Must be nice.
Hour 13 – Abilene… this is where I start playing the “Let’s just pretend Abilene is closer to home than it really is” game and think Hey! Â We’re almost there! We must be making great time… oh wait… 3.5 more hours still… never mind… Better fill up though…
Hour 14 – Lampasas! Â Now I’m, getting more and more excited with every passing small town that looks the same as every other small town.
Hour 15 – FINALLY we are almost home. Â So close … shit, I have to pee again. 30 more minutes before I’m home… do I risk it?
Hour 16 – I didn’t risk it and stopped so we added on a few more minutes to our trip. Â Don’t care, I’m finally home and can unload the car {well, the cooler and food anyway – everything else can wait till tomorrow} Start a load of laundry {So the boys don’t take filthy dirty clothes home to their dads… not that I get the same courtesy but the high road is prettier} and crash till morning.
What’s not to love 😉
Seriously though, for those who have my number, feel free to call or text… I stop enough to see them and have my headphones for hands-free chatting.  I don’t always have good reception but hey, you never know, you might get lucky! Besides, then it would feel like y’all are with me 🙂
Happy traveling! Hope the ride is uneventful, but beautiful. And quick!