You’ve all heard me gush over the FANTASTIC work that Rita over at Blog Genie did in making over my blog. I know I don’t always write as much as I would like but life happens… and has been happening a LOT more than usual…
but I digress…
The point is, I received an email a few days ago and I knew I had to post about it immediately or a week later because I got distracted. Rita has LOVINGLY and Generously offered me the opportunity to give away 2 $50 off coupons for someone who needs a self-hosted blog like this (ok, not exactly like this – it would be like YOU…) Her rates are already affordable so this $50 coupon may just be the extra push you need to finally give your blog the attention it deserves.
I know not everyone loves my re-design as much as I do, but you should totally check out some of her other work!
How am I going to know you want this fantastic offer? Easy – Leave me a comment below telling me either
(a) Why you want to re-do your blog
(b) Which of Blog Genie’s portfolio you like the best
(c) What you’d ideally like your blog re-design to look like
Also – be sure to leave your URL of your current blog so I can stalk you 🙂
There’s really no reason for the questions except that I’m curious.
Ok – so for the fine print –
I will draw 2 winners using the “And the Winner Is” Plug-in for WordPress on October 31, 2011. The winners will be notified via email and will have until November 31, 2011 to take advantage of this savings.
Alright, don’t be shy – Jump on it!
disclaimer – Coupons have been provided by Blog Genie and I was not compensated in any way for this post, except that they did a remarkable job dealing with the 45+ emails it took for me to make up my mind when she did my blog redesign but that doesn’t really count.
I would like a re-design because i have no idea how to do it myself!!!
I need a re-design…BAD! Actually just a new snazzy header – I’m bored of my site’s look. I really like what Rita did with Stephanie’s site, Mama Needs a Workout.
Seriously? This is just what I need! One of my blogs has had the same design for years, except for me screwing up the design over and over! I need a new look B.A.D!! I love what Rita has done with your blog! It looks so YOU!
I would like to re-design my blog, because I just need to update! (Plus perhaps purchase my own domain name in the process.) I love the Earthy Blogger. Ideally, I want it to look less “bloggy” and more personalized to my style!