Cube Dog iPhone/iPod Touch App Review

Thank you to Cube Dog for sponsoring this review. For more information about Cube Dog please visit the Facebook page or download it on iTunes.

So, if you have an iPhone… and you have kids… then very often you have no iPhone as your kids commandeer it.  No?  Just me? hmm… ok.  Well I know MY kids LOVE LOVE LOVE to grab my phone and play games on it, but lately they have become bored with it.

It’s not that there aren’t a plethora of games available.. it’s more that my kids have already beat the games that we have…. until now!

The new FREE iPhone app Cube Dog is fun because they get to create their own virtual pet and make him do tricks, but there’s no feeding, or walking or cleaning up after him.

The on-screen menus explain how everything works.  It’s so easy to get started, that my kids aren’t asking me a million questions about what to do.  We started off choosing the color of our new puppy and then were able to choose the shape of the face, ears, and eyes.  Then we named our pooch – Cubic… cuz we’re creative like that.

Once you have your puppy the way you want, then you can begin playing with your new friend.  Again, the on-screen menus walk you or your kids through what to do.  You can touch (or pet) your Cube Dog which will open the activities menu



You can have the puppy play with his iPhone – even “pretending” to call you – he can play ball with you, or, my sons’ favorite – have a ninja puppy!  It’s one of those cute apps that I don’t have to worry about my kids getting into trouble with or seeing something I wish they hadn’t.  It’s innocent fun at its best.


The boys thought this was a cute app and has entertained them during morning commutes which makes me happy.  It also makes for a good distraction for me when I need a break from the grind of my day.   Additionally, you can “place” your Cube Dog anywhere and snap a quick picture to share with your friends on Facebook or twitter.  Can you ask for more?  I don’t think so.


Oh – and if you pet the pup long enough, he/she even shows their appreciation with love in their eyes.

Want to know more?  Check out this cute video for additional info:

And don’t forget to check Cube Dog out on Facebook! There will be a fun contest June 13-17th that you won’t want to miss!

While Cube Dog provided me with the app to review, the opinions I’ve expressed here are solely my own and represent my honest viewpoint. Cube Dog, Clever Girls Collective and I promote Blog With Integrity.



  1. Oh this is so cute and what a wonderful app for kids to use on a long road trip! I will have to download this for the ride home form utah this will be perfect! Thank you so much for your wonderful review!

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