I swear I’m still alive… although earlier this week I didn’t feel like it.
Life has been insane lately and I’m just now starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
It’s all been great stuff though – The Latest Mamavation Mom Campaign (#15 OMG) has just kicked off and you should totally go check out our latest victims Participants! Rebecca from Formerly Known as Rebecca, Jeanae from Waiting for Supermom and Joanna from Just Joanna have just begun their seven week journey to making some SERIOUS changes for themselves and their families.  You can cheer them on and check out their first official Mamavation Mom posts if you want to get to know these ladies better. (and you do.  Trust me.  They are HILARIOUS and wonderfully inspiring)
Have you noticed the #iheartomron hashtag on twitter? Â Yep, it’s FULLY underway with 25 bloggers challenging themselves to get 10K steps a day plus eat healthier and track their activity with Omron! There will be a twitter party on Feb 20th so besure to watch for details on that.
This weekend is gonna be INSANE!
Saturday, is MomCom Austin – a conference I’ve been looking forward to for a WHILE now. I can’t wait to share what all I learn from the experience and am REALLY looking forward to hanging with some of my favorite gals.
On Sunday, I’m headed to San Antonio at Zero-Dark-Thirty to Join my friend Sara who writes over at Sensibly Sara in THE GRAFFITI RUN! Yep, my first official Race for #13in2013 is finally here!
I’ve also been giving a lot of thought to what I want to happen here at Slightly Off Kilter… and I have some exciting ideas brewin in my noggin…. I’ve been experimenting in the kitchen and have some fun recipes coming up… funny stuff that I just can’t make up… updates on my weight loss journey… gems from the boys… product reviews and giveaways… and well, more randomness than you can shake a stick at… now to just find some time to jot them all down on paper…errr… interwebs… whatever.
I’m also revamping my personal schedule which SHOULD afford me time to write.  So, for the three of you who haven’t left me yet, stick around 🙂  I think you’ll be glad you did.
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