… Because you ___________

I’m skipping today’s normal Gratitude post… sort of… instead, I want to focus on how every day, seemingly insignificant acts can touch someone’s life… even when we don’t realize it.

And more often than not, we forget to show our appreciation…

At least I do… even when I try to make a concerted effort to appreciate those around me, life happens.

Because you told me you felt I had a story to tell, I stepped out of my comfort zone and submitted an application for consideration for Listen to Your Mother. Thank you.

Because you shared your parenting stories, I felt validated during a particular rough parenting week. Thank you.

Because you know my heart, you listened patiently and held my hand when I had a few bouts of “the crazy” last week and made me feel normal{ish}. Thank you.

Because you see me as “Worth the effort” you listened past my insecurities and gave me a wonderful evening that meant more than you’ll ever know. Thank you.

Because you hear more in my silence than most hear in my words, you reached out when I was silent to make sure I was ok. I was… and am… but your concern means a lot. Thank you.

Because you aren’t afraid to share your struggles, I feel safe in sharing mine with you. Thank you.

Because you shared funnies on your wall, you made me laugh when I didn’t want to. Thank you.

Because you took the time to read my words and/or leave a comment here, I feel less alone when I share my stories. Thank you.

 thank youdivider

It’s never too late to join in on the Axis of Ineptitude blogging challenge. Play along in as many or few as you want!
February Blogging Challenge



  1. Beautifully written. Such a wonderful relationship that speaks volumes.

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