Be soft.

Over the last few days, I’ve been having some amazing conversations with someone new.

I’m not going to share all the details because that would likely jinx me but there’s a LOT of smiling and nodding as I read the heartfelt words he’s shared that give me insight to his world and show that he’s equally interested in mine. That matters. A Lot.

Today he shared a movie quote via text and even though the words are someone else’s, it feels true…. And looking back over my life, it was in times when I didn’t believe these things that my world was darkest. Something tells me that if I’d asked, he’d share the same rings true.

And then, it reminded me of something I read a while back on the blog I Wrote This for You {it’s often attributed to Kurt Vonnegut … I think no}


I don’t know where I’m going with all of this except that everywhere we look we can see “ugly”…or we can be see the good around us. And if we can be see the good, perhaps we can teach our children to be see the good… And so on.

Be the good. You never know how it can change a life… Yours or someone else’s.



  1. So I posted a comment last night but I guess my phone ate it? Anyway… I’ve been on the whole “power of positive thinking” bandwagon for about 2 years now. At first it started as a way for me to self-treat a complete nervous breakdown (anxiety+depression, whatever they’re calling a deep “episode” these days) and was an extension of trying to be grateful for the positive things in my life. It’s a hard mindset to achieve, particularly if you’ve made a life of being the jaded, cynical, “funny” one – but I think once you start training your brain to appreciate the good things in life, it becomes easier to see them.

    I hope I never go back to being that miserable, curmudgeonly person. I still cope with anxiety and depression, but I feel stronger than ever that I won’t reach bottom the way I did before. It’s true that what you put out into the world comes back to you – like a boomerang. If you focus on recognizing the good things when you see them, you’ll soon find yourself surrounded by them. Is it manifestation? I don’t know, but I like to think that maybe it is, and the universe is rewarding those of us who can rise above the sludge and find beauty even in an ugly world.

  2. I’ve been advocating for seeing the good over the ugly for a couple of years now. it started as a way to cope with anxiety – beimg grateful, etc. I truly believe that believing in and practicing positive thinking changes worlds… one mind at a time. Send good out into the world. Recognize it when you see it. Do these things and you’ll soon find beauty flowing towards you from all directions.

    I used to think it was horseshit. It’s not.

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