National Limerick Day!

May 12 is the birthday of limerick originator Edward Lear and has become known and celebrated as National Limerick Day in his honor. To celebrate properly, you should come up with your own witty limerick.

National Limerick Day | Slightly Off Kilter 

I make no claims that the limerick I submit is witty… there are far better out there.  I did however want to at least TRY to come up with something original.  Also?  I need more coffee.


A sweet southern belle with great charm

Is a treasure to have on your arm

But cross her just once

And you’ll feel like a dunce

Cause she’s good with a firearm



Axis of Ineptitude

Looking for the whole list of prompts? They are in text form and image so you can Come Play In May!

OH! And Join our little Facebook group for Axis of Ineptitude to stay up to date and commune with the participants and lurkers 🙂

Photo Credit



  1. Fuck yeah.

  2. Lol! My husband and I have a joke: Fidelity through superior accuracy.

  3. Ha! I love it!

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