When I started this blog I had no idea what I was doing. I wrote random things that popped into my brain and outside of my circle, am pretty sure no one else cared and I was ok with that.
I blogged about the insanity of dating as a “grown up” and life raising gentlemen. I blogged every minuscule dieting win. I blogged about movies and shows and stuff I liked.
Once upon a time I gained a new reader and friend and I found myself saying things to him here in the hopes of making him think. Not sure if he’s still around but for a time… he was my muse. (Still is if I’m being honest)
And then life happened. A whole lotta life. Many of you know the ups and downs but they aren’t really that important if you don’t. (Trust me though when I say that the made for lifetime movie keeps writing itself.) Regardless, life happened and I lost my voice. I couldn’t find my words. I spiraled into a dark circle where nothing I did seemed to matter and I felt like I was just going through the motions.
I decided that 2018 was going to be my year of enough.
Enough confidence to be me.
Enough of putting others ahead of me.
Enough self doubt.
Enough love for myself and others.
I decided this before the end of 2017 and got to work changing the parts of my world that no longer served me. The job that took me and my talents for granted has been replaced by one where I feel like I’ve found my purpose again. That helps so much more than I realized.
That image in the mirror? She’s getting a slow and steady makeover too. On January 28th I started the Ideal Protein plan. I’ve seen two very good friends succeed with this and knew I’d have the structure and accountability I need to do this. (I kicked things off with a macaroni and cheese with wine feast the night before) If you aren’t familiar with ideal protein, yes there are packaged meals/snacks but there’s also real food too. That’s how, over the course of the last 3 weeks I’ve been able to enjoy movies at Alamo Drafthouse, happy hours, and all the ice cream and cake that can be found in our offices without falling off this wagon. And three weeks in, the scale shows a drop on 10.6 lbs. That’s nothing to shake a stick at… and only a drop in the bucket for what is still to come.
As for this blog, I’d like to get back to the random writings. I’d like to find my voice again if you’re still with me or joining for the first time. Maybe someday I’ll even get up the courage to face the dating world again. Someday. And as I go along with my dear friends on the journey to help our outsides reflect our insides, maybe this space will be a place to not only scream our success but to rally against our stumbles. So stick around ok? You never know what’s going to come of my Slightly Off Kilter world.
I’m clearing out old chrome bookmarks and found your blog again. I’m so glad that you’re taking care of you!